Date: 26 Jul 2012


The news from Bharat is terrible. Finger of suspicion is being raised at army generals for alleged corruption. But do the army generals operate in an environment totally detached from the rest of administration, the ruling Congress Party and the Dynasty with their Divine Right to provide the prime ministers?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ An observer of Indian politics who sees no criminal and no enemy but everything going wrong finds an explanation in imagining an EVIL ONE (Devil or Jinn) with hundred hands and thousand eyes, sitting above the clouds, looking down at Bharat with a canister of odourless tasteless invisible maddening gas in hand. He has great fun seeing the effect down on earth when he sends puffs of gas wafting through the various individuals, groups and parties working on earth, and makes them go erratic.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ When he sent down his disorientating maddening gas in 1947 our top leaders went mad, completely forgot what patriotism and secularism were, and , behaving like idiots or traitors, agreed to break up the country. The bully among them captured five provinces of India with hands down- with utmost ease. Since then whenever the Devil sends the gas down to the cabinet every minister becomes a loafer, rascal and corrupt, out to cheat & loot, and do scams, and take commissions and bribes. Senior cabinet ministers try to charm the one from Italy.\\\\\\\\\\\\ When he throws that gas on our army generals they, too, forget their duty towards the country but willingly fight, or suddenly cease fire or unexpectedly retreat, just as the “baboos & bosses” on top dictate. To justify their guilt & stupidity they feel great in the belief that ours is a democracy, forgetting that a "democracy" does not travel down a dynasty. Democracy died when Indira sat on her father's chair and Secularism died when Lahore went under the flag of Mohammed of Mecca and Delhi was denied her Hindu identity. Jawaharlal Nehru, who "touched the foot" of Mohammed Ali Jinnah and conceded Pakistan, instantly became a dragon and a bully for the weak, submissive and divided Hindus, and told them to "Embrace Secularism or get slaughtered!" Everybody complied like the one billion lifeless & spiritless figures of terracotta. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The most amazing thing is that since the gas induces all of them into one “mode” they all see kinship and affinity among themselves and none sees the other as a criminal, enemy or traitor. Generals are simply riding the van without access to the driving seat or the road map. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else would explain Rajiv Gandhi's expeditionary force to Sri Lanka to kill the Tamils of Indian origin, his mother’s conquest and RETURN of East Bengal to the enemy (1972), and MK Gandhi, the “father of nation” calling those who massacred millions of fellow Hindus in NOAKHALI, WEST PUNJAB and NORTH KASHMIR "bhai bhai" or "brothers"? Who, or what, has made everyone so MAD? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else would explain the complete rehabilitation of the enemy in Constitution, the "hajj subsidies" to the Muslims, and what would explain India's unwillingness to recover North Kashmir when Pakistan was totally defeated & smashed with 90,000 troops in custody? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else would explain the Hindus, the majority community, behaving like a terrified minority, crying, "Sonia ji, be our Prime Minister!"? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What was it that let the semi literate Italian ex au pair girl, with NO connection to Indian people, culture and history and NO respect for our native faiths and religions whatsoever, so easily move into Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's house as the wife of our future Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else explains Rahul Gandhi’s “two fingers up to the nation!” to bring his future wife from Venezueala?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else could explain this neutrality and complete detachment of the Hindus (majority community) from territory and one another to the extent that is seen only among the animals, that is, when one sheep is picked off by the wolf the others look dazed, freeze on the spot, or run away? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What else could explain that not one criminal has been hanged after the State instigated massacres of tens of thousands of INNOCENT Sikhs in Delhi and elsewhere in October/November 1984? What else could explain Rajiv Gandhi going scot free after taking $50 MILLION commission from the Bofors Gun Company? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What could explain the ruins of Sri Ram Temple in the year 2012, the symbol of pride of the country like Vatican in Italy, that is meant to remain a ruin indefinitely? That most sacred spot in Bharat was not on the mind of the new President, Mr Mukherjee, when he took the Oath of his Office earlier this week. He should have seen the heads of all other States going to their Cathedrals and mosques after receiving such honour. The President of Lithuania, a tiny country in secular European Union, went to the country's Cathedral in procession along with all the cabinet ministers and the members of parliament after being elected to the highest post. Only India's President behaves like a "bhangi" or a "secular mouse", too scared of the world throwing rotten eggs, abuse and old shoes at him, if he mentioned visiting a Temple or Gurdwara (in the case of Zail Singh) after assuming the highest office in (the once great) Hindusthan.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What could explain our hostility towards the only surviving Hindu Kingdom of Nepal while "accepting" and trading happily with more than FIFTY Islamic republics all over the world? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What would explain the three obscene "samadhis" in New Delhi- one of MK Gandhi, known as the "Father of Pakistan" (Raj Ghat), one of Maimoona Begum (still called Indira Gandhi by the slave nation), and one of the BOFORS CHOR (who was beyond law) instead of ONE raised in the memory of the victims of NOAKHALI in 1946, the other for the victims of the unprecedented large scale massacres in West Punjab in 1947 and the third to honour the memory of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ It's a pathetic sight to see the people of Bharat silently riding, walking, driving and cycling past these three bogus "samadhis" without cursing or spitting in disgust like free men and women. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ On the highest spot in Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, we see the statue of the political “Witch” Maimoona Begum who concealed her nikah to Feroze Khan of Allahabad but fooled the world by calling herself by the old Hindu name “Indira”.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Wouldn’t the statue of Lakshmi Sehgal, who commanded the “Rani of Jhansi” Regiment under Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, have been more appropriate, instead?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Every head of state who is routinely taken to Raj Ghat as obligatory protocol laughs inside and prays silently, "Thank God we don't have an emaciated apostle of appeasement and surrenders like him in OUR country!" Don’t they ALL know why Nathu Ram Godse assassinated this “langoti clad Weakling” with deranged sexuality (who collapsed even before the battle for “Akhand Bharat” began), and would have rather loved to go to Shri Godse's samadhi to appreciate the guts, courage and PATRIOTISM of this young Maratha? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ What explains the obscene name of the New Delhi International Airport? What harmony, amity and peace among the peoples of India did Maimoona Begum, the most controversial & corrupt prime minister of India, who practised "divide & rule", contribute to?\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ These are the questions that need answers before we come down to the level of generals, mere cogs in the big machine where the mechanics and drivers are all "swine" first class, plundering the nation round the clock? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ One couldn't explain all this weird “way of life” in Broken Bharat except by imagining the invisible JINN somewhere above the clouds who doesn't let the majority community behave like the majority communities all over the world. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Driven by the "Will of Jinn" our leaderless weak and divided Bharat is behaving abnormally, illogically and erratically, heading towards a violent crash. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 27 Jul 12. ====================================== 000000000