Date: 15 Aug 2012


Nature of ‘Independence’ we got on 15th Aug., 1947 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1931 Round-table Conference (RTC) between Gandhi & Lord Irwin: The Congress Party somersaulted from its Lahore Resolution for Full Independence. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ London Public Record Office file says: “That although India could not be kept by force, the indirect control and safeguarding of British interest in India would increase. That Britain would not lose India. That Mr Gandhi had definitely given him to understand that he would not pose the question of independence and severance of British connection at the RTC. “This is the fundamental principle of the 2nd RTC and it will explain in an illuminating manner that British Imperialist Policy towards India does not intend to change in the least its nature but only its tactics, changing the old mask for a new one to suit the altered circumstances arisen out of revolutionary situation which must be dissipated and diverted. This will also explain the various stages by which Gandhi and Indian National Congress have departed from their pledge given at Lahore to fight for ‘Complete Independence’ as the ‘Immediate Goal’ to end up by ‘Equal partnership within the Empire”. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Before the ‘transfer of power’ to the hands of Indian leaders, an agreement was entered upon giving officially the conditions, principles and prestige under which India would remain under Britain and in what manner British interests would be safeguarded in India. The official document on these was to have been disclosed in 1999, but on what reason the British Govt. postponed this disclosure date to 2021, the Indian Govt. is not disclosing. Even to the Netaji Enquiry Commission of Justice Mukherjee. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ “All inhabitants of India enjoyed the status of British subjects, both the inhabitants of both the Dominions would continue to be British subjects as citizens of 2 members nations of the British Commonwealth, no immediate change was called for…”. Our country could not be revert to the original name~ Bharat-varsha as change of name from India would be inconvenient to apply the Government of India Act, 1935, which continues in force, notwithstanding our Constitution. Indian Independence Act, 1947 was passed by the British Parliament in July, 1947 solely to make provisions for the setting up in India of two independent dominions. (1 nation~2 countries) \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ For each of the 2 Dominions, there shall be a Governor who shall be appointed by His Majesty and shall represent His Majesty for the purposes of the Governance of the Dominion. The Governor General of each of the new Dominions shall have full power to assent in His Majesty’s name to any law of the Legislature of the Dominion. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Each of the new Dominions and as Provinces and other parts thereof shall be governed as may be in accordance with the Government of India Act, 1935. Viceroy Mountbatten wrote a Personal Report marked ‘Top Secret’. He writes that ‘the Indian leaders have agreed that the Union Jack should be flown together with the Dominion Flag on Public Buildings on certain day of the year’. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Gandhiji had said,” After Independence is won, it makes no difference whether the Governor General is a Briton or an Indian. Lord Mountbatten will be a servant of the people”. In the opinion of the Supreme Court of India, India is still a dominion under Indian Independence Act, 1947 made by the British Parliament~the people of India are the subjects of the British Parliament (and Monarch). It also said, our Constitution is not an indigenous product~ the people had no role in framing it~ the Constitution-makers derived their authority under Indian Independence Act, 1947. The high-sounding ‘preamble’ in our Constitution is not true ~ only a rhetorical flourish. The people of India have not ratified our Constitution~ it was directly enforced. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Form of affirmation of Allegiance : Oath taken by Nehru as Prime Minister: I, Jawaharlal Nehru, do solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty, KING GEORGE THE SIXTH, Emperor of India, His Heirs, and Successors, according to Law. Form of Affirmation of office: I, Jawaharlal Nehru, do solemnly affirm that I will well and truly serve our Sovereign, KING GEORGE THE SIXTH, Emperor of India, in the office of Member of the Governor General’s Executive Council , and I will do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of India without fear or favour, affections or ill will. When Dominion Govt. came into being, the Emperor of India became the King of India and Nehru directly was to correspond with the King, in 3rd person and in the form of humble duly submission, e.g.: -------------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Prime Minister New Delhi India 28th April, 1948 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Jawaharlal Nehru presents his humble duty to your Majesty and has the honour to submit, for your Majesty’s approval, to the proposal of Your Majesty’s Ministers in the Dominion of India that Shri Chakraborty Rajagopalachari, Governor of West Bengal, be appointed to be the Governor General of India on the demission of that Office by His Excellency Rear Admiral the Earl Mountbatten of Burma, K.C., F.C., G.M.I.E., G.C.F.C., K.C.E., D.S.C. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Sd/- Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of the Dominion of India\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ====================================================================== 000000000