Date: 28 Sep 2012


“DEFENCE VETERANS AGAINST INJUSTICE”, VISHAL RALLY AT JANTAR MANTAR NEW DELHI ON 01 DEC 2012 \\\\\\\\\\ Dear Veterans, Dated : 28 Sep 2012 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 1. The Govt has not only not resolved 39 serious anomalies in Pay & Pension of Defence Personnel, it has not implemented the judgements of Armed Forces Tribunal & Supreme Court given in favour of Defence Personnel. Recommendations of Rajya Sabha Petition Committee on OROP strongly recommending OROP to Defence Personnel have not been implemented. OROP issue which has been duly analysed for over 7 months by members of parliament, was assigned to a Committee of secretaries who had earlier given evidence to Rajya Sabha Committee against the grant of OROP. What could be expected from them? PM, RM and the three Chiefs were apprised of it. On 24th Sep 2012 (Evening) the Govt misled the soldiers and the Nation when they announced that OROP has been approved. Infact the approval is nowhere close to the OROP. They have removed a serious anomaly of 6th CPC where the bureaucracy had manipulated the recommendation of 6 CPC i.e “minimum of pay of the Rank in the Pay band was changed to Minimum pay of the Pay Band”. For Sepoy to Hav, they have given two years additional weightage which means an increase of only Rs 400 per month. The demand of three Chiefs to include members from the serving and retired Defence personnel in the Committee was not accepted. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 2. Our struggle to get Justice therefore, will be continued with increased intensity. With the above in mind, a Rally has been planned to be held at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 01 Dec 2012 from 1030 – 1530hrs. All ESM who have not deposited their medals are requested to do so in large numbers. Medals can be collected area wise and brought to the Rally or individual ESM may deposit their medals at the rally site. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 3. Future course of action and resolutions will be collectively passed at the Rally to ensure that we get our due Justice. This Rally in Delhi is being held to showcase the continued apathy and mistreatment to the military and to impress upon the Government to see the writings on the wall and act fast to address all grievances of Defence personnel expeditiously. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 4. In last ten years, the Defence Forces have suffered a lot of ignomies and humiliations due to apathetic attitude of the Govt. and the bureaucracy. The government is mistaken if it thinks that by dragging its feet on the issue of the armed forces dissatisfaction with the recommendations of the Sixth Pay Commission, it can make the issue go away. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 5. A country that refuses to respect its armed forces will eventually end up getting forces that will not respect the nations' aspirations. A country makes a sacred contract with its soldiers that while he/she will lay down his/her life when called upon to do so, the nation will take good care of his/her and his/her family's needs to the extent its resources would permit. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 6. Besides the Rally schedule, it is proposed to take out a March of 3 – 4 Kms on a designated route. It is also planned to prepare a vehicle platform on which gallantry and Distinguished Service Medals number approx 10 thousand which have already been deposited with us by volunteer ESM and a large number which will be deposited on the day of the Rally will be respectfully placed in a “Show Case” separately made for the purpose. This will be placed at the Rally Site and moved along with scheduled March during the Rally. Subsequently, it is planned to move the vehicle alongwith the “Show Cased Medals” at various locations in the NCR for a period of 5 – 7 days. Four volunteer ESM will always escort the medals on the vehicle. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 7. IESM Conveners in nearby states i.e. Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal, Uttrakhand, UP who desire to parade the vehicle with Medals in their States may write to IESM HQ, at 543 Sector 23, Gurgaon (Haryana) on mail ID : The vehicle would be planned to be dispatched to the volunteer states for a period of 3-4 days. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 8. Veterans, their family members and supporters in large numbers are requested to attend the above Rally. As hither to, part reimbursement of transport will be made by IESM. All administrative arrangements will be tied up. All ESM who have uniforms with them are requested to come in uniform, others may wear Mufti Dress with Regimental tie and cap. All those who don’t have Mufti may wear Shirt & trouser. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 9. ESM across the country and abroad are requested to send donations with a big heart for logistic management for the above Maha Rally. Cheques may either be deposited in our Bank, HDFC Bank A/C No 06162000001330 or be sent at 543 Sector 23 Gurgaon (Haryana), India 122017. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 10. Plan now to keep 01 Dec 2012 free for yourself and the family members and make sure that you all attend the above Rally in large numbers. Your participation is essential to Show Case the collective strength of Defence Veterans to get our due Justice. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 11. MUST join the rally to ensure “sure win” against the Injustice. \\\\\\\\\\\\ “Manjle Bahut Hongi, Karvan Bahut Honge, Bhirh Wahan Hogi, Jhan Sikandar Honge” XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 000000000