Date: 17 Nov 2012


Bal Thackeray, Shiv Sena leader, is gone. The whole of Bharat is in shock and this is especially so in Maharashtra, his home ground. \\\\\\\\\\\\ He was an illustrious son of Bharat and naturally many tributes will flow in. But here are some candid views on the life and deeds of that great Hindu. \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Firstly, he did not use his charisma or skills to expand Shiv Sena Party across Bharat. Thus his powerful Party remained only provincial. We should have reminded him that once the Marathas had an empire wihe Delhi in it. If the Indian Muslims can still dream of reviving the old Mogul Rule why not a Hindu like Thackeray project the golden prospect of "HINDU RASHTRA"? \\\\\\\\\\\\\ Secondly, he did not believe in "Akhand Bharat" since he never condemned or challenged that bogus Partition or the illegitimate birth of Pakistan in 1947. \\\\\\\\\\ Thirdly, he did not look at the MUSLIMS as the lethal "second nation" that had blasted the unity and strength of India in 1947.\\\\\\\\\\ Fourthly, he confined himself to his own State in "siege mentality" instead of seeing his All-India challenge. Here he was expected to take on the All India Congres Party and the "Mother of orphaned Hindu nation", Italian born Sonia Maino.\\\\\\\\\ Fifthly, he did not notice the cesspit of CORRUPTION that is Bharat today. He should have bravely come out to actively support the moral crusaders (fighters) like Baba Ram Dev and Shri Anna Hazare. He ought to have demanded the arrest of Sonia Maino for not disclosing the Bofors Commissions and other bribes and illegal wealth accumulated by the members of Nehru Dynasty, including the son-in-law Wadra.\\\\\\\\\ Sixthly, he did not give a call to change the Constitution to make Broken Bharat a HINDU RASHTRA to act as deterrent and counter to ISLAMIC aggression and menace in South Asia due to the surrenders of 1947 that produced PAKISTAN.\\\\\\\\\ Sevently, he did not mobilise the Hindus, especially the MARATHAS to "gherao" Ayodhya and stay put there till the grand Sri Ram Temple was fully constructed and operational. \\\\\\\\\\\ One more question: How did he react to the persecution of Hindus in Pakistan and East Bengal? How did he stand by the fleeing Hindus in South Kashmir? Who barred his way to SRINAGAR to lodge a protest or boost the Hindu morale there?\\\\\\\\ History will judge Shri Thackeray not only for his strengths but also for his weaknesses and the betrayal of the betrayed Hindu nation. He was expected to be shrewd enough to notice that the Constitution of India is a cunning barrister's death trap for the simple and gullible Hindus that lets the FOREIGNERS clobber and bash the Hindus and our temples in an insulting manner. \\\\\\\\\\\\ With one billion Hindus adoring Italy & Islam right now, it was leaders of Shri Thackery's stature and calibre who were epected to inculcate pride and patriotism in the demoralisede Hindu nation that is again in the Era of Slavery since 1947. ================================ 000000000