Date: 27 Nov 2012


WHERE IS THE VOICE OF 80% SUFFERING HINDU OF BHARAT ?! -- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Subject: ARE WE FKIGGING THE DEAD HORSE (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA)? \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Please disseminate widely among Hindu intelligentsia & leaders. Mass awareness among the Hindus is the dire need of the hour.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ If mainstream HINDUS collapse all the offshoots of Hindus, including indigenous minorities like Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs, will be wiped out.\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------- FACT SHEET:\\\\\\\\\\ HINDUS BEING EXTERMINATED LIKE THE VERMIN IN HINDUSTHAN. \\\\\\\\ "AKHAND BHARAT" IS DEAD & FORGOTTEN. \\\\\\\\ FRONTIERS GIVEN BY ISLAM, GOVERNMENT BY ITALY.\\\\\\\\\ INTIMIDATED HINDUS HAVE RESURFACED AS SECULAR SLAVES (OR "NISHKAM SEWAKS").\\\\\\\\\ IN HINDUSTHAN THERE IS NO HINDU IN SUNSHINE.\\\\\\\ THE NATION IS PARALYSED AND THE ARMED FORCES ARE MERCENARY, or "EUNUCHS IN UNIFORM" who can neither guard the "cease-fire line" in Kashmir effectively nor the porous borders with Bangladesh through which MILLIONS, not mere hundreds or thousands, of illegal Mohammedans have passed through to strengthen the treacherous Fifth Column ("second nation") already living, DESPITE PARTITION, in "bleeding, broken & dying Bharat". \\\\\\\\ At this rate the Armed Forces of India will defend DELHI, MUMBAI, CHENNAI and KOLKATA as they "defended" Karachi, Quetta, Lahore, Peshawar, North Kashmir, Chittagong, Silhet and Dhaka in 1947!\\\\\\\\ SHAME ON THE COUNTRY THAT NEHRU AND GANDHI (DIRTY DUO) TURNED INTO P.I.S.S. (PARTITIONED INDIAN SECULAR STATE.) \\\\\\ "HINDU RASHTRA" PULVERISED & REDUCED TO DREAM. "ISLAMIC RASHTRAS" REARING THEIR HEADS TO STRIKE FROM BOTH SIDES.\\\\\\\ SUCH HINDUSTHAN, THAT IS GUIDED & LED BY THE SEMI LITERATE CORRUPT "FEMALE BANDIT" FROM ITALY", STINKS. \\\\\\\\\\\\ WHO WILL BE BHARAT'S SAVIOUR? \\\\\\\ WHO WILL GIVE THE CALL TO ITALY & ISLAM, "QUIT INDIA!"?, AND, WHEN?\\\\\\ ================================================================= 000000000