Date: 17/10/2013
Lt Col CR Sundar, President Tamilnadu BJP ExServicemen’s Cell
Now that we are all decided that military veterans need not be apolitical and that we need to take an active political part in rebuilding the nation here are some tips about how best to grow with BJP. When you become a member you will be given a receipt and thereafter a membership card. Get your visiting card made.
Become an active member. Subscribe to the party magazine Kamal Sandhesh, Orey Nadu (Tamil) or in your regional language. Visit your state party headquarter. Learn about the history of the party. Read party publications. Visit and your state’s BJP website.
Raise a party flag in the vicinity of or on top of your dwelling. Also ensure that party flags are raised in all street corners. Change faded and torn flags. Fly flags at half mast to depict sorrow.
Familiarize yourself with local party workers. So also get to know the president and members of your Local, Gram Kendra / Sahahari Kendra, Mandal and District Committees. Find out about your state and national leadership.
Attend all party meetings without fail. Reach early and talk to as many others as possible. Learn the words and tune of Vande Mataram with which all meetings start. Switch off your cell phones during the meeting. Be attentive and take notes during the proceedings. Pass on to others the points that you have noted.
You will get invited to family functions of members. Do attend them without fail. Similarly invite members to events in your family.
Find out how to enroll members. Enroll at least one member each day. Pay the collected enrollment fee to the District and get the enrollment card. Hold periodic meetings for your members. Strengthen your local committee. Create local committees where they do not exist in your mandal.
Get used to sticking wall posters, hanging festoons, wall writing and putting up banners and hoardings. Learn how to conduct street corner meetings, public meetings and protests. Develop your public speaking ability in the language of your audience.
Be in possession of the latest voter list of your local committee. Ensure that they are revised periodically. Learn about ‘reservations’ in your area. Help in selecting the candidates for your next election. Work towards popularizing them. Be familiar with the latest instructions from the Election Commission. Learn the procedure for filing of nomination, allotment of symbols and how to act as Election Agent for your candidate. Get the Booth Committees ready for your local voting centres. Learn the procedures followed during counting of votes.
Keep your general and political knowledge up to date. Write articles for your party magazine and also for the net. Develop your administrative skills. Know the boundaries of your village panchayat, town panchayat, Municipality and corporation ward. Find out the problems of the people in that area and try and find solutions to their problems. Collect signatures and organize protest where government relief is not forthcoming. Try and get arrested and sent to jail during protests.
Undertake trips for at least ten days in a month. Work for the safety of women, children and the aged. Make attempts to uplift the poor and the down trodden. Youth wing is very important since they look up to you for a brighter and better future. And never forget that women are watching you and judging you all the time.