Date: 31/10/2013

1. GRAND JIRGA AT HALLOWEEN (31st. October, 2013.)

The Indian Animal World

Donkeys and rats sat as advisers. The Head at the table, a hippopotamus, said, “We are pleased at the submission of our Hindu SHEEP and GOATS. They are happily chanting, “Gandhiji ki Jaya! Congress Party for Ever!” and supporting our rule into the fourth generation. But there are some snakes lurking in the grass. They are the NRI’s abroad and the Tamils and the Sikhs at home.

“They resent our “mantra” of Secularism because it did not extend to West Punjab and East Bengal and it could not extend to the Lizards from Arabia. What audacity! What cheek! What insurgency!

“They are all deeply patriotic and religious and proclaim “Hindusthan belongs to the Hindus as Pakistan and Bangladesh belong to the Mohammed of their Blessed Desert!”

By throwing the gauntlet to the rulers whose spiritual loyalties are to the Middle East they destabilise our rule and give us nightmares. They wish the nation deliverance from our despotic rule and call us “dirty dynasty” for sticking to power, election after election. They even object to our “divide & rule policy” and corruption. What cheek! What audacity”

“Our jackal friends want to know when a non Gandhi will come to power to re-write the Constitution that avoids the word “Partition” in order to save us from all that bother of finding out who did what that led to the massacre and expulsion of tens of millions of Hindus in 1946 and 1947. We need to crush these rebels who demand a post mortem of “Akhand Bharat”.

“This then is our “permanent interest” that will determine our strategy and tactics for the foreseeable future. There will be periods when we apparently charm up to the donkeys, for example, when we put a suppliant Tamil in the cabinet who will not mention the plight of his fellow Tamils in Sri Lanka, and appoint a docile Sikh who does not wish to think of his own place of birth as well as the holy Janmasthan at Sri Nankana Sahib, BOTH under the highly provocative alien flag of Mohammed of Mecca, as the nominal prime minister.

“We will also keep an eye on the Marathas for the crime of eliminating our Saviour, the Great Mahatma, who had blessed us with eternal Raj. We shall be using his name to fool the masses in order to keep using them as our load carrying asses."

The gathering stood up to take the pledge, “We will eliminate anyone who comes in the way of Rahul Gandhi, our future King. We will incite our Muslim friends to do what comes naturally to them, that is, to start riots, assassinate a few of the rebel leaders, explode bombs at their gatherings and squeeze their guts and balls.”

Mother of Nation Sonia Maino Gandhi stood up from the golden throne and it was the signal for the Grand Meeting to end. Everyone went home, afraid of the Italian Mafia, Muslim dagger and the American drones, while swearing total loyalty towards Rahul Gandhi.

2. In a message dated 31/10/2013 10:08:46 GMT Standard Time, xxxxxxxx writes:

Summary of all scams in India since 1947
ALL the scams have taken place under Indian National Congress and its partners at national or state or local levels.

The first scam under J.L.Nehru and the Defence Minister V.K.Krishna Menon-- The Jeep Purchase.Not a Single Jeep ever even arrived on Indian soil but money was pocketed right under the nose of Menon the so called Communist.
NOW Sonia and Manmohan are the scam experts.


Here is a summary of all scams since independence. These may not be the only ones. These are the ones that were caught and brought to the notice of the public.

In total, this is coming upto Rs. 910,603,234,300,000, which is equal to USD 20.23 trillion. With this huge amount, India will become a super-power overnight and can permanently kill all social problems mainly poverty and unemployment.

Take a detailed look at the list. Great work by the person who compiled it.

Forward this to all Indians!! Others also have a right to know where their money is going..
