Date: 26/11/2013
ISLAM & KORAN had to be banned on the very day India was PARTITIONED IN BLOODSHED, and on the same day the autocrat, arrogant, rude and KAFIR -Killer "Mohammed" had to be seen as the unmentionable FOUR LETTER WORD.
Angola has not suffered at the hands of savage beastly ISLAM as Hindusthan has.
In a message dated 25/11/2013 09:21:22 GMT Standard Time, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
This can be done even now in Hindusthan.
If there is a will there is a way.
First we must unite and destroy the cancer of Congress and its partners ---------------------
Angola is the first country in the world bans violent and murderous Islam altogether and starts demolishing Mosques. This is something India should have done in 1947 when Hindu genocides took place by Mussalmans and two million Hindus were slaughtered and twentyfive millions were made refugees. See attached.
Islam Banned in Angola