Date: 20/05/2014

Narendra Mody has already declared that all illegal immigrants from neighbouring Countries would be identified and deported back, esp. those crossing the borders after 1971.

Hindu immigrants are persecuted migrants escaping threat to their lives and have to be accepted as refugees under UN Resolution as they are not economic or immigrants pushed into India by extremist Islam.

No Country in the World accepts illegal immigrants threatening the locals.

Bangladesh Muslim illegal immigrants are supported by local Muslims so much so that right up to Kerala there are pockets of Bangladesh Muslim Colonies, so e engaged as sleeping cells for terrorist attacks. These illegal immigrants provide cheap labour esp. In Kerala as elsewhere.

Owaisi brought over a 1000 Rohingia Muslim refugees from Myanmar and settled them in Hyderabad and no eyelids were raised by UPA.

The BJP Govt. Would deal with the illegal immigrants since 1971 strictly and deport them to their Countries of origin. No amount of coaxing or pressure would deter Narendra Mody from this objective of clearing illegal Muslim immigrants, considered as vote-bank by Congress and nurtured with ration cards and voter-id till now.

On May 6, 2014, at 16:14, XXXXXXXXXX> wrote:

I sent a mail to one of the anti-nationals.I give background of Assam violence.
The illegal immigrants have occupied the bodo lands,they have been settled with ration cards and made them vote banks.Can you think of any other country with such an attitude
welcoming illegal immigrants at the cost of our own countrymen.And Mamata is angry.

Census Figures Nix Illegal Migration Theory

You( plural) can be such an anti-nationals. How the population which used to be 6/7% during Partition have gone up to 30%. How some illegal immigrants were deported under pressure last yr.?
Why even Kamal Guha (no longer alive), a leftist leader admitted to a question that there are illilegal immigrants but qualified it by saying these immigrations are because of economic reasons?
Anyway let me give some facts. these immigrations is not of today but started long back. In the 1931 Census Report of Assam, C.S.Mullan, the Supdt. of Census operation had recorded the following observation:

" Probably the most important event in the province during the last 25 years -an event , moreover, which seems likely to alter permanently the whole future of Assam and to destroy... the whole structure of Assamese culture and civilisation - has been the invasion of a vast horde of land-hungry Bengali immigrants, mostly Muslims, from the districts of Eastern Bengal and in particular from Mymensingh.... only thing I can compare it is to a mass movement of a large body of ants". Mr. Mullan was no Hindu nor there was any Jan Sangh/BJP/RSS.
In 1971, after the Bangladesh liberation the Assam population went up as per the following figure in millions:

1961-10.337,1971- 14.625.1981-19.896, 1991-22.295,2001-26.656( In 1981, Assam did not have a census, the figure for the year is a projection by Census of India).The population doubled in the 20 years between 1961 and'81 .

In the census of 2001, one important change in the demography was notified- out of 27 districts of Assam, 6 Districts Barpeta,Dhubri,Goalpara, Nagaon,Karimganj and Hailakandi had a muslim majority- a case of an orchestrated and engineered demographic change just to ensure electoral advantage to a particular political party.It is estimated at that time that about 10,810,000 were the no. of immigrants out of which 4 million settled in Assam, 4 million more in W.Bengal and the rest in different parts of India.The Census report published on 4th. sept.,2004 revealed the decadel growth of Muslim population to 36% compared to 34.5% in the earlier decade, while the Hindu population declined from 25.1% to 20.5%.

The population of Bangladesh was 147 million with an area of 55,599 sq. miles- a population density of 2,838 per sq. mile.The mass immigration from Bangladesh was well exemplified by by Sadeq Khan in his article "The Question of Lebensraum" published in a weekly newspaper Holiday on 18th. october,1991.Sadeq Khan says-' We do not have enough land. So we will take land from Myanmar and India's North-East. And we dare you to stop us either barbed-wire fencing or the BSF'.
Worse is the Illegal Immigrant detection Act- one for Assam and another for the rest of India.Assam's immigration law puts onus on the individual who must identify, and make a complaint to the Tribunal and also pay a fine for doing a patriotic duty.So the motive is clear-not to identify the illegal immigrants but allow them to settle down as a vote bank.
It is no longer an economic motive to come to India but the Time magazine on the issue of 21st. october,2002 pointed out how Bangladesh thro' Al Qaeda are imparting trainings to insurgents from North-East.

It is spine chilling how the author could distort facts and instead of caring for our own country, want to preside over the destruction of our motherland.Pl. for once think of our country.