Date: 22/05/2014
1. This is a true account of the slaughter of Kafir Hindus in one incident in East Pakistan. But the overall number of Hindus slaughtered is much greater .Let us not trivialize the problem and let slip the evil deeds of Islam, especially the
Jehad of Islam. Jehad is a mighty pillar of Islam. Without Jehad, Islam would lose a major part of its raison d'etre. We must put Islam under the measuring device of Jehad. For a Mujahid or Jehadi-Moslem, it is required not only to
slaughter the Kafir ( Non-Moslem Infidel ), kidnap and rape his women, enslave his children, all for the only reason of his being a Kafir.
2. Allah has divided mankind into two parts: The Believers ( Allah's Party ) & Unbelievers ( Satan's Party ). There is no established acceptable conduct on the part of Believers. In Allah's battle against Kafirs, anything goes, and no
matter who wins on the battle-field, the members of Allah's Party are sue to win. They are the ones who will enjoy 72 Houris in Janat ( Moslem's Paradise ), and their opponents ( the Kafirs ) will burn in Jhanam ( Hell ).
3. Don't believe the accounts of the conduct of Moslems, narrated by Grease Monkeys of Islam ( Mullas, Maulvies, Kazis, Muftis, and other members of Islamic Clergy ). They are designed to keep both the Believers & Kafirs ignorant of
the real nature of Islam. The harrowing tales of murder, kidnappings, and other vile acts of Sullas, are completely denied or concealed, and described as acts of nobleness.
4. Let us take a look at the history of Islamic Assaults into India.
While invading India, the greedy Muslims killed and butchered mercilessly more than 600 million Hindus as per the Indian history. Muslims looted all Hindu temples out of their gold and jewels on the deities. During the period of
Aurangzep-the Muslim terrorist king, he levied 'jiziya' tax on all Hindus, and killed those, who refused to pay
With the invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni about 1000 A.D., began the one of the worst Muslim invasions into the Indian subcontinent and they lasted for several centuries. The Muslim invasions continued even when the Muslims
were ruling India, like the invasion of the Mongols during the reign of the Khiljis or the invasion of the Mughals in the early sixteenth Century when the Lodis were ruling Delhi. The last notable invasion of the Muslims from outside was the
invasion of Nadir Shah in 1739, during which he unleashed a great horror on the native population.
During these seven hundred years of Muslim invasions and their conquest and rule of India, the Hindus were the greatest sufferers. It is difficult to estimate the number of Hindus who lost their lives during these campaigns, the number of
Hindus who lost their lives in the religious persecution perpetrated on the native population by the Muslim rulers or the number of Hindus who were forcibly converted to Islam.
According to Prof. K.S. Lal, the author of the Growth of Muslim population in India, the Hindu population decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD, the year Mahmud Ghazni invaded India and 1525 AD, a year before the battle of Panipat
5. The list is endless..........
Muslim rascals kept on killing people. But people are very strongly bound to their original religion, so could not completely annihilate them. Muslim beasts started coming here nearly 1200 years back. Divide 600 millions by 1200 or 1/2
millions per year. That means Muslim killed 500,000 people per year. It is a reasonable estimate.
If you want recent proof: In Bangladesh, Pakistan's Muslim-soldiers killed 3 million Hindus in one year in 1971. The total Bangladesh population in 1971 was 60 millions [50 million Muslims and 10 million Hindus.] Out of 10 million
Hindus, Muslims killed 3 million. This is done in the recent times in spite of so much of media exposure, international observation, and monitoring. Then you can easily understand how many millions of Hindus, Muslims would have killed
between 800 and 1800 AD.
6. In 1947, Muslims were 9% in India,Hindus were 10% in Pakistan and 25% in Bangladesh.
But in 2008, Muslims are 18% in India, Hindus are 1% in Pakistan and 10% in Bangladesh.
[CALCULATION: Muslim invaders appeared in India in the 8th century. Killing, raping, looting, kidnapping, etc were the common habits of Muslims although their rule. They devastated and brutalized India for 1200 long years. Assume
they killed half a million people every year or 500,000 people a year. Then multiply that number by 1200. It becomes 600 millions. Muslims killing 500,000 people a year is quite a reasonable estimate [the real figure can be even higher]].
7. In order to explore the real nature of Islam, we must look at the records of history, and also look at the teachings of Quran, Hadis, and other books of Islam. A knowledge of these, will give us the courage to assert the truth, and help
us decide on the remedial measures that we must take, to put an end to the barbarism of Islam.