Date: 16/08/2014
In a message dated 09/08/2014 06:19:23 GMT Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
Re: A Note From A Veteran
August 15 th is around corner. As Patel remarked that occasion was not marked by any joy on the faces of people of India. India was rocked with communal riots and carnage in so called Pakistan that just got formed. There were some events like the one mentioned below that went unnoticed like attempts to behead nascent government of India on September 10,1947. Also barely remembered was propaganda war against India, no, not waged by Pakistan but by All India Radio (AIR) which was the major communication channel to the world about disastrous events rocking the nation then, with on going partition. The violence was squarely blamed on Hindus , all items of Moslem attacks were blacked out but only counter attacks by Hindus were broadcast to the nation. Obviously given the coverage by main stream secular media today nothing much has changed. Then the AIR was headed by a Nehru appointee, one Zulfikar Bhokari. He did what to day main stream media would be proud of. But Patel, home minister found out that he was a agent of Pakistan, before he could be arrested he escaped to Pakistan without so much of good bye to his benefactor Nehru. Promptly he became Pakistan Radio Chief !
Compared to even more disastrous things planned for India , the above is only a trivial item.
How close India came to complete disaster right at the time when she was emerging to freedom after centuries of subjugation can be seen in the narrative below by an Indian military officer who served during fateful days following independence .
Nehru the first Prime Minister was chosen by Brtish, not elected nor was the choice of Congress party which had nationalists and patriots then unlike chamchas to day. Hence they elected Sardar Patel but the democratic choice was over ruled by Mohandas Gandhi who was intermediary from Viceroy Mountbatten to Congress party with Kripalani serving as its president. The Congress working committee just passed a resolution of unanimous choice of Sardar Patel as Congress party parliamentary leader, Gandhi walks in countermands the decision, and had Kripalani use his influence to alter the vote of Delhi Pradesh Committee, change its vote to favor Nehru. Gandhi also used his influence with Patel who acceded and became deputy Prime Minister.
Nehru as Prime Minister proved the wisdom of choice of Congress party for Sardar Patel. Nehru suffered from guilt of being party to partition, he knew even for far less crimes against one's own nation, even elected leaders were dethroned and imprisoned. Only institution then that could do it was Indian army which though served British for the sake of belly, the heart was in right place, patriotic and nationalistic. Naturally Nehru wanted to disband Indian army !
He had a defense minister , Krishna Menon who matched his wisdom. When Gen Thimmayya wanted Rs 500 crores for defense of NE Indian frontier against anticipated Chinese invasion,Nehru's choice defense minister Krishna Menon replied he will stop Chinese aggression with 500 words. And that was exactly what he was doing when he was clicking his glass with that of Marshal Chen Yi in Rome in some conference, Chinese troops were pouring into Assam exactly at that moment. Obviously his five hundred words fell on deaf ears of Chen Yi.
Even worse disaster was in store for India ,had it succeeded would have extinguished nascent freedom. It was fortunately averted by happenstance. This was narrated by Bhagavan das,father of Sri Prakash, who served as High Commissioner of India to Pakistan and then as Governor of Madras . Moslem league plotted to assassinate all government leaders in New Delhi and attack the parliament, soon after partition . Similar to attack on Parliament by Afjhal Mohd later, the idea was to decapitate Indian government and state and have Pakistan attack from outside capture Redfort to fly green flag. All this was to happen September 10,1947. A Moslem girl boasted to her Hindu girl friend , just wait few days , we will see who will be masters in India. Hindu girl who happened to belong to RSS family conveyed information to other members who in turn approached Sardar Patel, home minister, Raids took place, explosives seized, the sinister plot got nipped int the bud. In return for this service to the nation and his government, Nehru banned RSS at earliest opportunity using a phoney excuse.
Here is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on this crucial period in history ,
RSS had informed planned massacre of Hindus and flag of "Pakistan" on the Red Fort
April 15, 2006
Views expressed here are author’s own and not of this website. Full disclaimer is at the bottom had informed planned massacre of Hindus and flag of Feedback
Omar Khayyam in his "Rubaiyat" wrote: "A hair perhaps divides the False and True". Truth exists. Only lies are invented. I am aware of the fact that it is very difficult and even impossible to discover concrete truth. And yet it is very easy to uncover patent falsehood. Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors. It is falsehood alone which needs the support of Government. Truth can stand by itself. Lies are as communicative as fleas; and truth is as difficult to lay hold upon as air. These thoughts came to my mind when I was studying about the criminal acts of Nehru Government let loose against Sri Guruji Golwalkar and the R S S during the period from January 30, 1948 till July 1949.
Nehru Government believed in the theory that a mischief-stirring falsehood is preferable to a peace-mingling untruth. The history of India and more particularly the political record of the congress party after independence are sown thick with evidence that a patent truth is not hard to kill and that a lie continuously told can be immortal.
In this birth centenary year of Sri Guruji Golwalkar, we have to take note of the calculated policy of the Government of Jawaharlal Nehru after independence to crush the R S S and particularly Sri Guruji at any cost. Nehru failed in his disgraceful attempt and Sri Guruji succeeded magnificently not only in preserving the R S S but also in developing it into a mighty organization covering all parts of India.
Soon after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948, a wicked canard was propagated by Pundit Nehru and the Congress Party to the effect that Sri Guruji and the R S S was responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi. In the second week of February, 1948 itself (within 10 days of the assassination) Sardar Patel made it clear to Nehru that neither the R S S nor Sri Guruji was in any way connected with Gandhiji"s assassination. Sardar Patel knew that the Assassin was not only not a R S S member but had, in fact, opposed R.S.S. for eight years for its "lukewarmness". But this fact did not matter with a Government which was only out to make sordid politics out of Gandhiji"s blood. On February 3 1948, Sri Guruji was arrested under Sec. 302 and 120B of IPC on the charge of having conspired to murder Mahatma Gandhi. The R.S.S. was also banned immediately. Simultaneously, hundreds were arrested on the same charge reading: "You are a member of R S S, a communal organization responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi".
Within three days of arresting Sri Guruji on this charge, Government of India withdrew the charge but detained him illegally till August 1948. Now the whole world knows that all the actions taken against R.S.S. and Sri Guruji from February 1948 till July 1949 were politically motivated, unfounded, illegal and unconstitutional. Indira Gandhi made yet another attempt to crush the R S S in 1976 and failed miserably. Narasimha Rao tried it again taking the legal route in an illegal manner in 1991 and kissed the dust. Now the leading congressmen including Sonia Gandhi have consigned Narasimha Rao to the political dust bin of history in a planned manner is another story. The most comical part of the story is that Arjun Singh who is physically unfit to do his normal day"s work seems to show tremendous gusto and enthusiasm in his endeavours to spread stories of falsehood about the R S S
Recently I was going through the records and archives of this period. A solid fact which has been hidden from public view by the Nehru Government in 1947 and later by all congress Governments relates to the plot which was hatched by the Muslim League to bump off the entire congress leadership on 10th September 1947 in New Delhi. The planned Muslim "coup" was unsuccessful because of the timely information given by Sri Guruji through his R S S volunteers to Sardar Patel about the attempted Muslim "coup". The Muslim coup was foiled on account of the sharp vigilance displayed by the R S S. Even at that time, there were many right-thinking, non-partisan people who duly recognised and admired the stellar role played by the R S S. One of the most notable among them was Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhagwan Das, a profound thinker and philosopher and the revered father of Sri Sriprakasha, Ex-High Commissioner for Pakistan and later Governor of Tamilnadu. Dr. Bhagwan Das declared in his article in the "Organiser" on October 16, 1948:
"I have been reliably informed that a number of youths of the RSS were able to inform Sardar Patel and Nehruji in the very nick of time of the (Muslim) Leaguers" intended "coup" on September 10, 1947, whereby they had planned to assassinate all Members of Government and all Hindu officials and thousands of Hindu citizens on that day and plant the flag of "Pakistan" on the Red Fort and then seize all Hind. If these high-spirited and self-sacrificing boys had not given the very timely information to Nehruji and Patelji, there would have been no Government of India today, the whole country would have changed its name into Pakistan, tens of millions of Hindus would have been slaughtered and all the rest converted to Islam or reduced to stark slavery....Well, what is the net result of all this long story? Simply this: that our Government should utilise, and not sterilise, the patriotic energies of the lakhs of RSS youths."
And yet Nehru Government was guilty of infidelity to Sri Guruji and R S S immediately after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948. Sri Guruji wrote to Sardar Patel on February 1, 1948: "Let us shoulder the responsibility that has fallen upon us by the untimely passing away of that great unifier, keeping alive the sacred memories of that soul who had tied diverse natures in a single bond and was leading them all on a single path. And let us, with the right feelings, restrained tone and fraternal love, conserve our strength and cement the national life with everlasting oneness". Just after sending this letter, Sri Guruji was arrested on the false charge of conspiracy to murder Mahatma Gandhi.
The disgraceful anti-national and treacherous role played by the Communist Party of India during the days of Quit India Movement in 1942 is now a proven fact of history. Immediately after the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, the same Communist Party of India (CPI) started launching a tirade against the R.S.S. holding them responsible for the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. K.M. Munshi, Union Congress Minister, wrote in "Organiser" on October 4, 1949: "CPI is the enemy of Indian Nationalism, tied to the chariot wheel of USSR; R S S is fanatically Nationalist, worshipping Bharath Mata with high powered emotion, looking to ancient India alone for inspiration. CPI seeks to undermine the foundation of well-ordered life in order to bring about an upheaval; R.S.S. builds up the foundation of an unyielding discipline to take over, should the Nationalist Movement fall before the CPI. To CPI, Lenin, Stalin and USSR are the Father, Son and Holy Ghost; to R S S India is the Divine Mother, at whose altar self-immolation is bliss. What is USSR to CPI, ancient Bharath is to R S S The Church of CPI is materialism; the Church of R S S is Dharma buttressed with ancient traditions".
Continuously during the last 50 years, the maligners of RSS have believed in the notorious Goebbels doctrine: "Repeat a lie hundred times, and it becomes truth". However, that "doctrine" has been totally belied in this case. The people, except a few gullibles, have long since opened their eyes to the truth and refused to be led into the trap laid by the Congress Party, first under Nehru and later under Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Narasimha Rao.
What do we learn from the daring life and deeds of Sri Guruji Golwalkar? He seems to give us this message: We should not forget the fact that it is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a courageous man stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring those ripples often build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression, prejudice and resistance. What one should have is courage "moral courage, the courage of one"s convictions, the courage to see things through. Our world is in constant conspiracy against the brave. It is the age-old struggle" the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of our conscience on the other.
In a message dated 02/08/2014 15:07:25 GMT Daylight Time,xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 2 August 2014 11:21
Subject: A Note From A Veteran
Pray,how can you give a spunk allowance to the SPUNK LESS ?
I joined the IMA 4th Course on 10th Jan1948. My CO had 5 to 6 years service the C'Arty 11 years. And the GOC 15 years. The GOC had served as a major only for 3years. The C'Arty had been a Japanese POW in Singapore as a Captain, who within a few years on return and on India becoming independent found himself getting a quadruple promotion. The B'Arty had gone on a gunnery course in UK as a major. When he returned by ship and landed at Bombay he was received by his BM who was carrying the rank badges of a Brigadier, for his boss. Amazing, but that's how things were.
We further do not know that only about 4 to 6 Indian Officers were given a brigadier's rank, about a dozen as Lt Cols and the rest of the Indian Officers served as Majors/Captains and below.
So these were the young converts who had scant knowledge of the deep issues involved in management and governance of the Armed Forces. Trust me I saw how the lack of 'Upper Storey' wisdom of our leaders of that time, allowed the bureaucracy to creep, slowly trespass upon our rights and privileges, degrade our status, our pay structure and dignity. Today their behavior towards the Armed Forces is not only abrasive but unacceptably insulting.
All this took place because our first PM, with scant knowledge of world strategic and tactical issues or deep understanding or wisdom about affairs of Statesmanship, within a month of taking over asked his four star British General who had been specifically detailed to advise him on military matters, to put up a paper to him TO DISBAND THE INDIAN ARMY. The General was stunned and asked him as to how he intended to run and manage his country without an Army? Nehru answered with the POLICE OF COURSE.
Don't please laugh. It's all available in the British Archives.
Since then, the ICS and the IAS cunningly employed this knowledge to go the whole hog to degrade the uniformed elite of India. Our young military leaders were then too engrossed in their merry making, gleefully gloating their triple and quadruple promotions and allowed all unimaginable trespasses. This carried on for almost two decades till Field Marshal Sam came to the helm.
Here are some anecdotes, humorous but true, that highlight our failings:-
*. Just prior to a Pay Commission a senior general was told that the Government intended to give officers an annual increment of Rs 25/-pm. He huffed and said what nonsense. The bureaucrat then said in that case would Rs 50/- pm bi-annually be acceptable. The general said that's much better. We lost Rs 25/- pm for every alternate year till the next Pay Commission.
*. They asked if we wanted a deputation allowance? The answer No. We serve the nation any where in the world and no such allowance was necessary. The IAS on the other hand wanted a deputation allowance of every imaginable count. Today an IAS Officer of the Haryana cadre when assigned to the Centre gets an allowance of I think about Rs10,000/- pm. This similarly is applicable to all Class One Officers.
*. Gen Cariappa immediately after taking over conducted himself as a 'New Convert'. He overnight reduced the perks of the Army Officers. They lost their marriage allowance of Rs 150/- pm; Children's allowance of Rs 50/- pm for each of the first two children; Command or Staff allowance for all majors of Rs 50/- pm; an Instructors allowance of Rs 75/- pm. This is not all. He then wanted to know from each Officer in writing if they owned a horse/ horses, and how much money per month were they paying their 'Syhes's' ( householders ). What a laugh?
*. The national borders were manned by The Border Scouts, army units equipped with MMGs and Artillery. The Army was asked to take over this responsibility. We said NO. The Army's reasons were totally devious and unfathomable. And the BSF was created.
*. During one of the Pay Commissions the Armed Forces had put up TWENTY POINTS for consideration and discussion. This paper had been put up to the PM's level. The decision was given that if the Armed Forces insist they may be conceded up to 17 points. If they insist on more the matter must be referred to the PMO's Office. The bureaucrats accustomed to negotiations and bargaining took three days of discussions to concede the first point. Thereafter the next day the next four points were conceded without discussion. On the next day again an acrimonious discussion pursued for a prolonged period. At this the senior Armed Forces Officer got up in a huff and left the meeting along with his delegation saying that we were not beggars to go on pleading point to point. The bureaucrats sighed a sigh of relief and reported that the Forces delegation did not wish to raise any more points. This entire episode was narrated to me by an IAS friend attending this meeting who was amazed to observe the over sensitiveness of our reps and how their ego took precedence over their well deserved points raised.
Lastly, this is a rather hurried note of memories of days gone by. From Sam up to a couple of Chiefs thereafter we held our dignity and ground. I hope we gain some S----.
God bless and regards.
A Veteran
Let more and more Veterans air their views..................
Posted by Justice for Jawans