Date: 26/08/2014
The picture of Sepoy Rahul Kumar of elite Grenadier Guards who was martyred on Sunday the 24th August 2014 in Kupwara District of J & K while involved in an anti-insurgency operation against Paki terrorists. What a sad loss of a ONLY 22 years old young man.
May his soul live in eternal peace.
PS: I can't hide my feelings: AACHEE DIN KAB AYEGA?
We are busy in preaching SHANTI (peace). We eternally wait for friendship from Pakistan side. Furthermore, our Army has some perennial problems such as:-
Even for routine ‘action’ Army needs permission from civilian authority
Soldiers at the borders are always less in numbers, than required
Reinforcements always (as a rule) arrive LATE; if at all they arrive
Permanent short supply of arms & ammunition
No retaliatory action from our side; enemy is always emboldened to attack us
We as a Nation, are so thick skinned, that even if our soldiers are tortured or beheaded, we hardly take note of it.
All our patriotism ends with a patriotic song or a stupid lecture
We are endowed with political leaders who say “People join the Army to die”
The above are, but a few reasons