Date: 27/03/2013

If Hindus are attacked anywhere in the world, we do not have 'lobby' of Hindu countries, the way Christians and Muslims have.

It is true that the Muslims have 52 Islamic countries who can send 52 ambassadors to Bharat as well as 52 ambassadors to the UNO. They do have a mighty big lobby and mighty big collective VOICE in the world.

Some of these countries are smaller than the State of Goa (pop. one and a half million people), e.g. Maldives (population 328, 536) or Qatar (250,000 people) but still they can send one man each to UNO and one each as ambassador to Bharat. Hence when 50 of them sit together, they would seem a world power to the one "lame-duck emaciated secular Hindu" sitting out there, trying to represent 1.2 BILLION of us all confined in ONE country called Bharat.

The way to deal with this alien menace in international fora is to treat the States in India as sovereign HINDU states, EACH AT PAR WITH AN ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. Then we shall see 28 Hindus representing India in Pakistan and 28 in the UK and 28 in the USA, and 28 Hindu ambassadors at the UNO, too. Collectively they will be HINDU VOICE on earth worth taking note of by the others.

Like many other ruined aspects of politics in India, including the disgusting map outline (frontier) since 1947, such a move is necessary but not possible, even unthinkable, because in our country one foreign female has the last word both at Lok Sabha and at the United Nations on OUR BEHALF! Further, it will be hard to find a single Hindu who considers himself equal to a Bangladeshi in order to even WANT a Hindu ambassador from U.P. like the Bangladeshi ambassador at UNO, and high commissioners in New Delhi!

The result is the TRAGEDY what you have correctly stated, i.e., "if Hindus are attacked anywhere in the world, we do not have 'lobby' of Hindu countries, the way Christians and Muslims have."
28/03 /13.

In a message dated 27/03/2013 14:04:03 GMT Standard Time, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

But if Hindus are attacked anywhere in the world, we do not have 'lobby' of Hindu countries, the way Christians and Muslims have.