Date: 10/09/2014


Today, 10 Sep 14 leaders of three main political parties in the UK were in Edinburgh, Scotland, talking to people to persuade them to vote “NO” (to leaving the UK at the Referendum to be held on 18th inst.)

In a very similar situation in India our own leaders of the three main parties met in New Delhi and Shimla in 1946 and 1947 to discuss the Partition of India. It is worth doing some research to compare and contrast the leaders of that and this time!

The “Mohammed Ali Jinnah” of Scotland today is ALEX SALMOND, leader of Scottish National Party (SNP) that stands for separation from the UK after a Bond of over 300 years.

There is frenzied reaction of the leaders, media and the public to Scotland leaving the United Kingdom. Some statements by the leaders are given below:-

“Rest of the UK will feel desperately sad. Split in Scotland will slash UK growth. It’s madness to imperil a Union that has historically been kind to investment.

“Stay with us,” Cameron’s desperate plea to Scots. “I’ll be heart broken. I care hugely for our Union. I love my country more than I love my Party.”

Former Prime Minister John Major said, “This country was put together after bitter wars. The impact of separation will be profound on everyone, damaging our economy and currency.”

David Cameron made an emotional appeal, “We defeated Hitler, we ended slavery, we created NHS (National Health Service), we fought wars together,” and so on.

A financial expert said, “Customers are worried about their deposits. Standard Life and BP will move down to London if Scotland leaves.”

Another leader said, “Scottish independence would only succeed in re-awakening sectarian tensions far and wide.”

London announced a new package of powers that will be handed over to Scotland if they stayed in.

Ed Miliband, President of Labour Party, talked of the union of Head, Heart and Soul and went on to emphasize Solidarity.

Nick Clegg, leader of Liberal Party said, “We are stronger together. If this family of nations was torn apart the impact on all will be profound. We have common history.”

A journalist said, “The thought is especially horrible for David Cameron. He will be known as the prime minister who sealed the fate of United Kingdom.”

The comment on the armed forces was also very worrying: “There will be destabilisation and dismemberment of the British armed forces. Defence assets will have to be divided after more than 300 years of Union.

“There would be nothing worse for the United Kingdom than if all our rich cultural identities were diluted, and we ended up as a carbon copy of the South East of England.

“In cultural terms, it would also be a massive loss. Now, within the Union, the rich history, culture, landscape and language of Scotland is a part of 'us'. We all benefit from this cultural diversity - in a similar way to how we benefit from the cultural identities of the new communities that have made the UK their home in recent decades. We will become less diverse, less pluralist if Scotland opts out.

“So, YES, we are 'Better Together'. It is more than a pity that too often the 'Better Together' campaign has focused almost exclusively on the economic benefits of the Union. There are great economic benefits to the Union but citizens are not just economic units. We want to feel in our hearts that we are part of something bigger, something that gives meaning and purpose to our common life. And that means politicians have to talk about something more than our wallets.”

The Prime Minister asked the nation to fly the Scottish flag to encourage the Scots to stay in Union. On his own house (No. 10 Downing Street, London) the Scottish flag has replaced the Union Jack.



Ironically these were the points some Indian patriots were mentioning though sadly, MK Gandhi went silent, Baldev Singh sat in the lap of Nehru who, in turn, looked at Edwina Mountbatten for her smile, and then could not defy the Imperial Will to BREAK UP “Akhand Bharat”!

The "murder" of Akhand Bharat immediately set the new borders ON FIRE and forced tens of millions of people to flee their homes, leaving nearly two million DEAD behind.

We should note the end of those who went along with India’s Partition like morons and idiots.

Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who committed high treason against the land of his own birth by demanding “Pakistan”, died of cancer soon thereafter. Barrister Nehru, who surrendered five provinces without a single condition or referendum, condemning the Hindus to death, died of syphilis. MK Gandhi, also a barrister but out of tune with reality, who chanted “Hindu Muslim Bhai” in the middle of “war”, was shot dead for his stupidity and cowardice. And Baldev Singh, who could not stand up for Lahore and Sri Nankana Sahib, died a dog’s death.


xxxxxxxxx 10 Sep 2014. (posted on 11 Sep 14).
