Date: 17/01/2015

There is something to said about how Muslims defend Islam what seems to anyone so obvious. Today Christianity, at least the non-evangelicals, discuss openly the support of Christianity to the racism, brutal slavery and colossal genocide of natives. The fact that civil war was fought by Christians against Christians, even recently they acquiesced to change Columbus day to Indigenous people day shows the continuity of soul searching. In Hinduism, the social evils of treatment of lower castes is so well discussed and today India's Prime Minister comes from a Backward Class. Hindus discuss the fairness of Rama asking Sita to prove her chastity with fire while being captive under Ravana. Religions discuss the weakness or out of place and time of the long held beliefs and are moving on.

But Islam has never had opportunity to do so. Wafa Sultan, who still considers herself a Muslim, considered the 100 most influential person in 2006 by Time, says, Islam is a brainwashing machine. She talks about the 30 years of brainwashing she got in Syria about Jews that when she first came to US and met a Israeli Jew working as shopping clerk in US mall, she literally ran away from him fearing for her life. You ask the educated Muslims, they rant about how this Zionist agenda or Western agenda are cause of the problems they are facing. No doubt, oil economy and Western economic machine is exploiting them to the hilt, but the brutality of Islam is hardly a recent phenomenon, it is known from the beginning when Muhammad realized all good and nice talk will not do, he has to kill, give incentives such as rape the infidel women to motivate them for his expansionism agenda and to get the converts. He came up with all kinds of theories and revelations including deception to further his agenda.

What is very discouraging is other than few bright spots the chats of most educated Muslims do not even touch the issues inherent in Islam. I have asked Muslims how can you reconcile the fact that 50+ year old Muhammad seeking his six year old daughter-in-law, felt sexually attracted to a little girl who could be his grand daughter, force his adopted son to divorce her and then had sexual penetration of barely nine year old girl. This is difficult to even talk about. Do one need a religion to tell this is wrong? I asked how can Muhammad kill the husband and every relative of Jewish woman Rubaiya and forced her to copulate with him the same night, does this look right? You hear again and again Muslims say, 'Peace be upon him'. Upon whom? In today's terms, at least in free societies, including Islamic societies, his actions such as pedophilia will invite major punishment. I asked about 90% of Jihadi verses (after removing repetition), calling to terrorize, threaten and saying infidels is same as urine, feces in Koran, Sira and Hadith, being drilled day and night in little Muslim children, in the name of sacred verses given by God, there is no answer. I asked them how is it not one, not even one Islamic country gives equal rights to non-Muslims, with what fairness Muslims demand special privileges in the countries to settle, there is no answer. I asked them how you can brainwash a woman to wear Hijab because she will arouse a man but a man can marry four women, what kind of Muslims citizens will this create in this day and age and, there is no answer. Even the deception propagated in Islam is obvious to everyone recently, when Saudi Arabia condemned the killings of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists but at the same time giving 1000 lashes, years of jail punishment, to a Saudi for writing something against prophet. The world spoke in support of the victim, it did not matter whether he is a Muslim or not, but because he is another human being.

One Muslim wrote to me, if Islam are so brutal, how come they did not wipe out Hinduism. The fact that Afghanisthan, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Malaysia and Indonesia were once Hindus escape the fact. The fact that ethnic cleansing of half million Hindus in Kashmir who are living as refugees in their own country for last 25 years escape their attention. The fact that 25% of Hindu/Sikh population of Pakistan reduced to 1%, mostly in just few months, escape them. Their biggest concern is 250 Muslims were reconverted to Hinduism by Ghar Vapasi program. That fact that more than 200,000 killed in nearly 30 countries just since 9/11 escape their attention. In fact, many Muslim organizations propagate the trash that West committed the terrorist acts and are naming Muslims. Muslims simply have not come to terms the sheer brutality and depravity of this religion that left estimated 200 million dead since its inception.

What choices does the free world have? Is the fear of demographic changes in free nations irrational? There is no example where Muslims percentage increased they have not imposed Islam in the name of Shariah law or discriminated non-Muslims. Malaysia declared Islamic with just 49% and have destroyed literally thousands of temples and have impoverished the non-Muslims in the name of Bhoomiputra program where special rights and privileges are given to majority Muslims only. Why countries, just one Kashmir, Pakistan and Bangla Desh speaks volumes of ethnic cleansing. When I ask do they even comprehend the millions raped, converted, ethnic cleansed of hundreds of millions, just in front of our eyes or that of our parents, there is no answer.

If we are serious about terrorism, given that Islam has not shown ability to reform itself, the world has no choice than to ban it. Wafa Sultan was right on mark when she said, 'the roots of terrorism is not political Islam, not radical Islam, not Jihadi Islam, it is Islam'.
