Date: 24/02/2015
We would have regarded BHARAT to be the safest country for girls and women but what a shock!
We are an ancient civilisation and a nation of mandir and gurdwara going people. We are taught from the very childhood to respect the female gender and to regard them as daughters, sisters and mothers, depending on age!
Our warriors have never molested helpless girls and women. In battle they never regarded them "war booty" or sex objects. On the contrary the brave Sikhs used to rescue Hindu girls being carried off to Kabul, Kandahar and Ghazni by the followers of "Mohammed of Desert" who is now inspiring the ISIL fighters in Irak, the Taliban in Pakistan and the Boko Harami in Nigeria! 500 years ago Guru Nanak Devji gave the women equality, and elevated them in special sacred texts.
So, why is the REALITY today so different? Why is our Bharat notorious for rampant rape? Why does it not prick the nation's conscience?
One answer is that we have banished Hindu Dharma and indigenous culture from our Parliament (Lok Sabha) and acquired "non aligned detached de-linked Hindu bashing secular" psyche! Until recently the Parliament in New Delhi looked at the country's worst security risk, the lady from Italy, Sonia Maino Gandhi, as the "First Lady" of Bharat and the "guiding hand" behind Prime Minister MM Singh!
The other reason is that we allowed the rotten lot, Pandit Jawaharlal NEHRU in the lead, to substitute VACUUM ("Muslim appeasement" & "Hindu bashing") for FORCE ("Hindu Shakti").
We let the "bandit" and his stooges write up a Constitution that was "theory, not practice", that was "fantasy not reality", that was meant for "AKHAND BHARAT" but not for "broken bleeding" Bharat (at the time), full of millions upon millions of grieving refugees including widows and orphans, just uprooted from their ancestral homes in East and West PAKISTAN.
The timid unscrupulous "RATS", some under venerable imposing respectable Hindu names, who wrote the Constitution ("Vidhan") could NEITHER see them NOR the broken borders of their country! They went ahead with the task of writing the Constitution for the country unmindful of the ENEMY all over.
Those MILLIONS of Hindus, and Sikhs, still in rags and living on charity, whose tears had not yet dried up watched the bogus "netas" write up the Constitution with no mention of Akhand Bharat or Partition or the DEAD who paid the price of freedom with their LIVES.
This useless anti HIndu "secular" Constitution, guaranteeing special rights and privileges for the only Muslim majority State (J & K) in the country, was second High Treason of traitor NEHRU.
The first being the UNCONDITIONAL surrender of five provinces (without referendum!), and now a Constitution for Hindusthan with the word "Hindu" DELETED, thus making the sinner equal to saint, alien equal to indigenous, traitors equal to patriots and Muslim equal to Hindu! It gave free hand to our own I.S. or ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) to bully and threaten the majority community.
The Constitution of Hindusthan recognized the Muslim voice loud and clear but suppressed the whisper of Hindus, proving that the biggest "criminals and scoundrels" were the people who wrote up the SECULAR (Hindu bashing, Islam elevating) CONSTITUTION.
In the immediate backdrop of Partition one had to write up a Constitution that REQUIRED every Hindu boy and girl to get a firm grounding in Dharma and the permission to possess and carry fire arms for self defence. Instead, we see the killings and slaughter of the Hindus going on non-stop, without retaliation, since the British left in 1947.
It is beyond comprehension as to why the Constituent Assembly, sitting under the stern gaze of "Hindu hater" NEHRU took away Dharma and Shakti from its pages, to create an unarmed toothless vulnerable Hindu nation.
Hindus' self negation and excessive (morbid) devotion to NON violence is the direct result of this Constitution that neither stands for defence of territory nor for the safety, dignity and honour of the daughters of Bharat.
The rape and abduction of Hindu girls in SRINAGAR and the daylight attacks on Hindu girls and temples in West Bengal and the insults and threats being hurled at the Hindus by Bollywood, and the zealots like Zakir Naik and Akbaruddin Oweisi, are the direct results of the Constitution that is a LIABILITY.
In the context of PARTITIONED India that "died" due to lack of Hindu SHAKTI, one can pronounce the Constitution of Bharat to be the smart work of our enemies like NEHRU, meant to keep the suffering nation at the level of CATTLE.
Is it not time for the new patriotic and nationalist government to convene a new Constituent Assembly to charge them to write up a new Constitution that bears relation to the reality of "broken" Bharat rather than the fantasy of being like the UNITED States of America whose Constitution was written at a time when that country had NOT ONE MOHAMMED living in it.
Finally, looking at the following indictment of Bharat we should demand "HINDU RASHTRA" without delay.
Only in a country living by its own NATIVE genius, divinity and spirituality can our mothers, sisters and daughters be safe in Hindusthan. Each one deserves to be conceded the dignity and honour of Sita Devi.
In the following report it is a SHAME to see "India" mentioned among the most despicable.
Solo Travel As A Woman: The Most Dangerous Places In The World For Women:
The Huffington Post UK | By Rachel Moss
Posted: 23/02/2015 12:55 GMT Updated: 23/02/2015 15:59 GMT
A YouGov Poll previously established a list of the cities with the most unsafe transport systems for women in the world.
The survey asked 6,550 women and gender experts about their perceptions of safety for women in 15 out of the 20 largest world's largest capitals.
These were found to be the worst cities (1 is the worst):
1. Bogota, Colombia
2. Mexico City
3. Lima, Peru
4. New Delhi
5. Jakarta, Indonesia
6. Buenos Aires, Argentina
7. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
8. Bangkok
9. Moscow
10. Manila, Philippines
11. Paris
12. Seoul, South Korea
13. London
14. Beijing
15. Tokyo
16. New York
(NB: Why Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, and Kabul are NOT mentioned? Because NO women dare go there at all.)
The International Women's Travel Centre has also created a list of the 10 most unsafe countries for women to visit in the world.
The list is as follows (1 is the worst):
1. India
2. Egypt
3. Mexico
4. Brazil
5. Honduras
6. Kenya
7. Columbia
8. Papua New Guinea
9. Saudi Arabia
10. Venezuela
(NB: Why is PAKISTAN not in this list?)
"Women are at risk of harassment, sexual assault, rape, abuse and murder, even in own home country. While traveling in a foreign country, this danger can be increased because you are unlikely to understand cultural differences in communication," she says.
"Of course, women are viewed differently in these countries, and it would be stupid to not be on your guard, but as someone who is fully aware of the potential hazards, I walk in confidently and try to see things as they really are."
The Foreign And Commonwealth Office offer advice on staying safe as a woman travelling abroad.
Tips include:
1. Think about how your clothing will fit in with local customs – what are local women wearing?
2. Don’t wear expensive jewellery
3. Wear a wedding ring (even if you don’t normally) to help avoid harassment
4. Be wary of new ‘friends’, even if they are fellow holiday makers
5. Don’t tell strangers where you are staying or give out too many details about your travel plans
6. If you’re travelling alone you may attract unwelcome attention and you may receive unwelcome propositions or remarks – it is usually best to ignore them
7. Act confidently
8. Plan your daily itinerary - know where you’re going, what you’re doing and how to get back
9. Some hotels and hostels have cards with contact details and directions – take one
10. Never hitchhike or accept car rides from strangers
11. Ask your hotel or hostel to recommend a taxi firm – try to pair up with someone you know when travelling by taxi
If you ever feel uncomfortable or in danger, don’t be afraid to draw attention to yourself by shouting and making a fuss.