Date: 12/05/2015

Thank you for your esteemed comment. (BELOW) Let us see those days in right perspective.
1. Nehru was afraid of assassination because his decision to accept PARTITION meant the uprooting of tens of millions of Hindus and the murder and rape of countless more. We should try to gauge the angry mood of those who saw the "rivers of blood", having lost everything including homes, parents and siblings and became beggars or refugees among strangers.

Hindus are FAR REMOVED from the horrendous details of those days of Hindu Holocaust since traitor Nehru replaced the word "Partition" by "Independence", and the timid nation obliged!

Mesmerised or brainwashed by Dynasty and Congress the Hindus (those under 70 who have NO experience or memory of those days) have forgotten what it meant to us to see India suddenly drop her frontiers (Khyber to Wagah!) and become a midget (much smaller) in her present distorted borders, MINUS all those provinces (Bengal, Sindh, Balochistan, West Punjab, NWFP) that used to be in India just like UP, Bihar and Gujarat today.

Any genuine and brave PATRIOT would have stepped forward to kill Nehru for his crime of BETRAYING Bharat and the Hindus. The assassins just spring up from nowhere- like the ones who shot Lincoln and Kennedy, and like the ones who shot MK Gandhi and Indira Gandhi.

There surely was one for NEHRU, too, but Nehru proved too smart for him (or her) and one of the precautions he took was to come under the protection of the Viceroy!

With regard to Mountbatten please do not misunderstand. Mountbatten was safe as a rock. It was Nehru who was on our (the nation's) hit list then. The power relationship in 1947 between master and slave, was like this: Mountbatten was like the LIOIN, and Nehru was like the "goat". Therefore it was Nehru who needed the British (Viceroy) for his protection.. The British army, too, left India after nearly a year of Independence. Nehru did not want them to leave immediately!

Finally, you are absolutely right that in those days of great political and communal turmoil & upheaval when our ancient land broke up into three fragments so easily like a straw, Nehru was perceived as "liberator" by the ignorant Indian subjects but perceived by the British rulers as their agent or stooge who promptly agreed to "kill" Akhand Bharat and produced Pakistan as per the British policy of Divide & Rule.


In a message dated 13/05/2015 00:15:04 GMT Daylight Time, XXXXXXXXXXXX writes:

Was Nehru really afraid that he was a candidate for assassination?
If so whom did he really fear? Or was it just a paranoia?

What could he have gained by making Mountbatten the target of an assassin's bullet?
The anecdote suggests that it was Nehru's Chaalugiri in making Mountbatten the GG of India.
These questions have come to mind after reading Mr.RSingh' s anecdotes.
