Date: 05/07/2015
JULY 5, 2015.
Figures confirm Mass Immigration flood
Shocking figures have been released which reveal the extent of the Mass Immigration flood into Britain:
• In the first three months of this year alone, more than 185,000 immigrants have travelled to Europe to cash in on soft-touch Britain – a staggering 86% increase on last year
• More than a fifth of foreigners granted citizenship in the European country in the past two years alone, have been given British passports
• In 2013, 985,000 Third World immigrants were granted citizenship in Europe
• 207,500 of them were given UK passports – the most since records began in 1962
• Only 3% of UK citizenship applications were refused in 2013, reigniting criticism that British conditions are too soft
“It’s a clear outcome of Mass Immigration which started in 1998 and has continued,” Lord Green of Deddington, spokesman for Migration Watch UK, stated referring to Tony Blair’s policy.
“It’s very hard to see how we can integrate new arrivals into our country at a rate of this kind.”
BNP Chairman Adam Walker commented: “These figures are very alarming. It’s vital that we take back control of our borders and that means leaving the EU.