Date: 12/07/2015
MORALLY BOUND, and strongly "RELATING" to the victims in West Bengal, we forward the following e-mail with a very heavy heart with the KNOWLEDGE that Hindusthan is the ONLY wretched country on earth where the MINORITY is beating, thrashing and hammering the MAJORITY community into pulp- day and night, here, there and ALL OVER.
We trust that something good or positive will result from our efforts. We may not realise but the ENEMY knows this: "To DEGRADE A NATION FOR EVENTUAL SUBJUGATION, RAPE THEIR FEMALES."
PS: In view of what happened in 1947 there is NO "Shakti" in Hindu nation.
In view of what is happening NOW in West Bengal, there is NO honourable Hindu on earth today except those who are speaking up for the helpless Hindu girls in West Bengal. (We ask the Supreme Commander of Bharat: "How and why did EAST Bengal get detached in 1947?")
Sent: 12/07/2015 11:23:07 GMT Daylight Time
Subj: Press Release: Successful rallies across the world for kidnapped girl Tuktuki and West Bengal daughters
Please read and spread the word by facebook, twitter etc. The evidence provided below does not need any more saying. What world we are getting into and what will we leave for our children.
For Immediate Release
Org: Save West Bengal Daughters
Twitter: #SaveWestBengalDaughters, #SaveTuktuki4mGazi
Facebook: Save West Bengal Daughters
Phone: +1 330-357-2831 (USA)
Success Rallies across the world for kidnapped Girl Tuktuki and missing West Bengal Daughters