Date: 14/07/2015
This American Lady's COURAGE OF CONVICTION and KNOWLEDGE are UNIQUE, and her PATRIOTISM, GUTS & DARING are exemplary.
We commend the video to everyone in our partitioned Bharat, especially to our LEADERS who should be thinking of the (apparently) IMPOSSIBLE: Re-constructing the historic Temple in Ayodhya; Hindu refugees back to Srinagar; and UNDOING the fraud of bogus Partition in order to see "Akhand Bharat" again. (If a MINORITY can break, surely the MAJORITY can make!)
In a message dated 10/07/2015 01:08:48 GMT Daylight Time, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
This lady has to be admired for her answer to the question. More of our politicians and people in prominent positions could take a leaf out of her book.
Her closing line is the best ever and which should be implemented by all: Political correctness should be thrown in the garbage where it belongs and start calling a spade a spade!!!
This woman had no problem responding to this Muslim girl's comment and she handled it in a split second.
Take a couple of minutes to view. You won't be disappointed.