Date: 21/07/2015
(National Democratic Think Tank on Minority Issues)
Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India July 20, 2015
Shmt. Sushma Swaraj, Foreign Minister of India
Sub: Ban Screening of (PK) A Divisive Movie in Indian Missions
Dear NARENDRA Bhai and Sushma Ji,
We would like to bring to your kind attention a grave situation being created by an unscrupulous group of people connected with one of the most divisive movies (PK) recently produced in India with intent to ignite the bloody communal disturbances in the country and simultaneously activate for Jihadi recruitment the largest constituency in India to galvanize the murderous radical Muslim gangs like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban and Jash-e-Muhammad.
This volatile situation is connected with the screening of the above referred anti-India and anti-Hindu movie in Berlin, Germany, on Wednesday, 22 July, 2015 at the Embassy of India. The entire Hindu world has severely criticized this movie for its content and objectives and has been out rightly condemned. The movie has openly insulted Hindu Deities, Saints and rituals. The act of maligning the religion of the Hindu community, which constitutes the over whelming majority of the Indian people, is a deliberate attempt by the backers of the corrupt Sonia regime to engulf India in to the flames of communal disturbances the likes of the pre-partition days.
Some of the extremely serious grounds against the screening of this divisive movie filled with communal venom against Hinduism include:
a) Since the Indian Govt. does not patronize any religion therefore, screening this movie on GOI property by the Indian establishment seriously violates Government’s religious neutrality and separation of Govt. and political philosophy. Such an act by GOI constitutes patronage of Islam since the movie is produced, funded and distributed by the anti-India and anti-Hindu Muslims forces;
b) Almost all religions of the world exist in India and by and large they have lived in peace and tranquility. Only the radical and fundamentalist Muslims have had the difficulty of exercising peaceful coexistence. Accordingly in this case they have deliberately chosen to malign everything Hindu including Gods, Goddesses, Deities, Saints, Sadhus, culture and customs. By allowing the radical muslims the use of the Indian Mission properties and personnel, GOI, against its own policy, is patronizing this dangerous movement.
c) Intercultural and inter-religious marriages have been taking place in the Indian sub-continent for a long time. However, after the partition of India in 1947 the Wahhabified Muslims have used this practice as a political and demographic tool with nefarious intentions to once again increase the volume of the Muslim population. One of the major objectives behind this scheme is to accelerate the process of balkanization of India and ultimately establish Darul Islam thus leaving no space for those believing in other religions. India cannot and must not take such a risk therefore, providing Govt. properties to be used for radical and anti-Hindu propaganda is a very serious and a questionable issue. With this goal at the back of their mind already hundreds of Hindu girls are being kidnapped by the Muslims on daily basis for marriages with Muslims and for human trafficking;
d) During the centuries of foreign Muslim rule when robbery, loot, rapes, mayhem, and genocide of the Hindu population in India was massively committed, some eighty million Hindus are estimated to have been killed. From every account this has been the biggest unreported genocide in the history of the world. Claiming this barbarity as bravery, this movie glorifies those who have trampled upon Hindus and their religion. Therefore, if the Govt. does not intend to eviscerate the sensitivity and cultural richness of Hindus this movie must be placed out of limits from any Govt. properties and establishments throughout the world;
e) Finally, there have been credible assertions that anti-nationals and anti-Hindus from India and foreign soils have collaborated in producing and funding this piece of garbage to administer an ultimate death blow to Hindus and their religion. By implication this is also an attack on the Modi Govt. perceived to be a Hindu Govt. by the corrupt mafia that has just been ejected from power after decades of stealing trillions from the national wealth of India.
Given the above grounds we strongly believe that your Govt. must maintain neutrality and equi-distance from all religions and immediately order the diplomatic mission in Germany and all over the world to BAN this movie. The lack of any action by the govt. will regrettably result in tremendous loss of good will for the Govt. And such indifference may compel a vast section of Hindus to place the Modi Govt. in the column of those who are out to scandalize India and its Hindu majority no matter what the reason. By virtue of being the largest national majority, Hindus expect the Govt. to defend and enhance their interests! But what is being done seems to be the reverse of it;
Accordingly while strongly endorsing the representations made by a) HINDU JAGRUTI; b) FORUM FOR HINDU AWAKENING and many other organizations we ask you to please issue an immediate and strictest directive to the Indian Diplomatic Missions in Germany to cancel all plans of screening this anti-Hindu and anti-India movie on mission compounds and not to participate in the screening of this movie at any private accommodations arranged or rented for the purpose.
We thank you in advance for your prompt action.
Best wishes
Dr. Jagan Kaul
National Chair