Date: 03/08/2015

The Islamic State's Campaign Plan
by Vijeta Uniyal • August 3, 2015 at 4:00 am

ISIS wants to trigger this final conflict by unleashing attacks on Indian soil. If the U.S. comes to India's aid, ISIS would declare a global Jihad, calling upon a billion Muslims to heed the call.

Despite the propaganda onslaught by ISIS, Indian authorities have apparently not yet grasped the true nature of the conflict between ISIS and India that is unfolding before their eyes. As ISIS raises an army among Indian Muslims and publicizes its apocalyptic goals for the Indian subcontinent, some in the Indian establishment still hope to lure the ISIS rank-and-file with government-funded welfare programs.

"Accept the fact that this caliphate will survive and prosper until it takes over the entire world and beheads every last person that rebels against Allah. ... This is the bitter truth, swallow it." — The Islamic State.

In 2014, this photo of Muslim ISIS supporters in India's Tamil Nadu state went viral on Twitter.

President Obama might not yet have a strategy to combat the Islamic State (ISIS), but the Islamic State has a strategy. It is, apparently, to bring about the "end of the world." According to a document uncovered by American Media Institute (AMI) and reviewed by U.S. intelligence officials, ISIS is preparing to attack India, in the hope of forcing the U.S. to come to India's aid and get mired in an apocalyptic conflict.

In the document, written in prophetic style and entitled, "A Brief History of the Islamic State Caliphate (ISC), The Caliphate According to the Prophet," ISIS calls upon different jihadist factions operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan to come under its banner. It urges al-Qaeda in the region to submit to the authority of the Islamic empire or "Caliphate" and recognize ISIS as the sole ruler of a billion Muslims across the world.
