Date: 10/08/2015
AUGUST 10, 2015
The media and politicians persist in describing Muslim grooming gangs as “Asian”, effectively lumping them in with pro-British Sikhs and Hindus and Pakistani Christians.
Far from being a nuisance in Britain, the Sikh and Hindu communities excel themselves in loyalty to Britain and serve in the Armed Forces in large numbers.
There are no problems being caused by the presence of the Sikh and Hindu communities in Britain and there are especially no Sikh or Hindu paedophile gangs roaming English communities across the country trying to seduce our young girls into a nightmare world of sexual exploitation.
The Sikh and Hindu communities have a long history of loyal service to Britain and the Commonwealth.
It is about time that the media and politicians stopped bending over backwards to appease Islam by describing specifically Muslim paedo gangs as “Asian”.
This only misleads the public and puts Sikhs and Hindus at risk, purely to avoid upsetting Islam.
Britain First will never describe any Muslim specific problems as “Asian” problems – we will focus on the true culprits, the huge number of Muslim men who feel it’s okay to target non-Muslim females for grooming because they are “kuffar”.
On the recent Britain First march in Dudley, we were joined by Sikh Indians and Pakistani Christians, all of whom were welcome to participate as proud British activists.
If you are reading this article, please take with a pinch of salt next time you hear of an “Asian” sex gang scandal because the true culprit is Islam and its bigotry towards non-Muslims.