Date: 07/09/2015
A letter in the Sunday Times, London of 6th Sep. reads:-
"Muslims are leaving their failed States, bypassing other Muslim Countries on their way seeking to settle in the prosperous and largely Secular West, thereby acknowledging Islam's failure to adjust to the modern world"
In fact the letter falls short of the fact that they are taking refuge in the land of the infidels and would create same, may be worse, conditions than they are accustomed to and created in their own Islamic countries.
The West allowed earlier refugees from the Muslim countries and had to face the music of the home-grown Muslim terrorists, BUT now the things would not be easy
to handle!
Muslim culture, belief system and "way of life" (beheading, intolerance of non Muslims, terrorism, segregation of women) are at complete odds with the Christian culture and "way of life" (Dignity & equality of women and tolerance towards all).
What they did in their Islamic frenzy (madness) to Drummer Lee Rigby, Peter Kassig (USA), James Foley, Steven Sotloff, David Haines, Harve Goudel (Fr.) Alan Henning, Daniel Pearl, Tomislav Salopek (Cro.), Coptic Egyptians, Ethiopian Christians, and what they did in USA on September 11, 2001, and what they are doing now in the ancient city of Palmyra cannot be totally ignored. They claim it was their ISLAMIC duty.
Islamic Pakistan is already declared a Terrorist State by the USA. Among these "gate crashing" crowds there were many Pakistanis who are not persecuted back home though the Pakistani Jews and Hindus are. Fifty more Islamic Republics were created by killing or enslaving the Non Muslims living there. Yet we are told, flying in the face of facts, “Islam is a religion of peace!”
I am afraid that leopards do not change spots and these Muslim migrants will do in the UK (& EU) what they are doing in their own lands where they have "freedom of action & the ability to practise their Belief- unopposed, unhindered & freely." By the very intrinsic nature of Islam they have created “Hell & Fire” from where tens of millions of Muslims are desperate to escape. But is Christian Europe the right destination for them?
Let us not "eat what we cannot digest", that is, let us not admit what we will not be able to manage, integrate or control later after they have settled down and enlarged the Islamic constituency in the UK (and across the EU).
Most of those going to Germany will eventually arrive in the UK due to more benefits, families and friends already living here, easier & less regulated life style, and the English language. Hence what Germany is doing is incomprehensible. What is the guarantee that a few thousand that are allowed in by Britain now will not become half a million in a few years' time- and exponentially increasing?
I suggest that either we use our genius to destroy the ISIL and bring about stable democratic governments in Irak, Syria, Afghanistan and Libya, or divert all this "swarm" (as the prime minister rightly said) towards ASIA (Kazakhastan, Siberia, Saudi Arabia), or AFRICA (Egypt, Congo, North Sudan, Nigeria, Zambabwe, Somalia), even Sindh & Balochistan in Pakistan, where they belong.
Is it not revealing that countries like Saudi Arabia & the Emirates, and most other Islamic republics have not taken a single Muslim migrant? EU can also send them all to a small island near Scotland or in the Pacific Ocean next to the one being used by Australia.
Allowing them in the UK like Germany will bring tensions in social equilibrium here and can destroy the peace that people have been enjoying since World War 2.
Those who recall the British receiving the persecuted Jews, Huguenots and Hungarians in the past forget that they were NOT Muslim!
It is the first time in European history when a MILLION Muslims (at least) are knocking on the door- and gaining entry! It seems the sheep are letting in the wolf! How wise is it, to let young “fighting fit” Muslim men from over 50 countries in, without any security check, screening, search or vision?
Are we going to spend a LOT MORE on controlling/eradicating “home grown” Islamic terrorism than what we are already spending now?
I pray to HM's Government to realise that in strategic historic context a silent INVASION of Christian Europe is taking place right now on an unprecedented massive scale with clearly foreseeable negative consequences for our secularism, democracy, women's safety- and Christianity. How many of these single men taking local girls as wives will bring up their children as Christians?
Already Europe's immigration system, laws and controls have been "blasted" so easily by the uncontrollable advancing mobs. It shows that while decent individuals face insurmountable problems to gain entry into UK, massed crowds, yelling "Allah Hu Akbar", can shake our nerves, breach the barriers, defences and fences easily, bypassing the security forces!
EU collapse has shocked and given much worry & sense of insecurity to those who fled their countries back home due to massacres and attacks by the Muslims, that is, Hindus due to massacres at Partition, the Egyptian Coptic Christians, Yazidis and the Jews from Isil.
Strategically speaking the West seems weak and embarrassed like "pigmies", letting in the "ELEPHANT" called Global Islam. What will happen if some time in the future it goes mad or out of control?
Our comprehension of Global Islam (sans frontiers) and its inherent zeal and fervour for "JEHAD" (killing & grabbing LAND) seems totally inadequate.
EU has let down countries like HUNGARY who were only trying to uphold EU border controls and rules. Only leaders of Hungary and Slovakia have mentioned the word "Muslim". I salute their guts and courage to call a spade a spade. Countries like Poland and the Baltic States in European Union, that have neither mosques nor Muslims, have cause to worry, if forced to share the Islamic burden!
Our good hearts should reach out to those who will integrate well here, contribute to economic prosperity and strengthen our armed forces to defend our people, land and ‘way of life’ but not to those who put women in burka, reproduce exponentially, commit acts of terrorism and wish to replace our happy churches, synagogues and temples preaching love and peace by barren “macho” mosques preaching Jehad.