Date: 19/09/2015
Now let us look at the situation in European Union. Hundreds of thousands of, mostly MUSLIM MEN, migrants are FORCING THEMSELVES into her territory.
Massive numbers of police, and even army, are employed to keep them OUT. None invited them to EU. And NONE wishes to see them in EU. They are "gate crashing" in numbers too large to control, arrest or turn back.
They are coming through southern and eastern borders of EU through countries like ITALY & GREECE and then making their way, often on foot or hired transport, through fields, or along railway lines at night, to reach their goal, Germany or Sweden, two "soft" countries where the governments are not bothered about their national security, safety of their girls and women, the alien Islamic culture of the "gate crashers", and the future political & social conflicts that will break out due to inherent craze for JEHAD among the Muslims all over the world. It does not soothe nerves of the natives when they hear that Saudi Arabia wants to pay full cost of constructing 200 mosques in Germany while refusing to settle even one Muslim migrant in that country where Mohammed was born.
No country in EU, at the receiving end, has mentioned PARTITION of India that showed the Muslims' dislike of secularism and their hatred of Non Muslims (Christians, Hindus & Jews alike). Partition of India in "rivers of blood" was the result of the Muslims' wish to live away from the rest. All Muslims imbibe the message of HATE straight from their holy book KORAN that divides mankind into "Believers and Infidels".
There is no reasoning or argument in ISLAM. It is dagger, bullet or bomb that sort out the issues as well as the neighbours.
In view of the above, the Europeans ought to SIT UP now. take note of the hundreds of thousands of Muslims forcing their entry in Europe, assess the dangers ahead due to cultural clash, and refuse to let them in. They should all be diverted to one of the 50 ISLAMIC republics in order to live happily there as per Mohammed, Koran and Sharia. A good Muslim will see the point while a bad Muslim, like a rapist, will try to force his entry in Europe.
RUSSIANS AND THE INDIANS: Russians changed the names of cities like STALINGRAD and LENINGRAD to Volgograd and St Petersburg respectively. Hindus in Hindusthan should FIND OUT the reasons for doing so and the "dump" such alien and offensive names in their own country. Why are names like Allahabad, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad still tolerated? What are we telling our children AND THE REST OF THE WORLD?
AMERICANS AND THE INDIANS: President Barak HUSSAIN Obama, the son of a Muslim, is as "immaculately secular" as our own ex President Abdul Kalam was. But the Will of PEOPLE in America put him squarely in "ghar wapsi" mode, and Obama converted to Christianity not only to occupy that highest office but also to save his skin!
Now look at Hindusthan where Mr Abdul Kalam AND ALL THE PREVIOUS MUSLIM PRESIDENTS, felt absolutely NO need to say, "I am a Hindu now like the rest of you living in Partitioned India!"
Advocates of their secularism and loyalty to Hindusthan have been so powerful that even the entire VHP or Hindu Maha Sabha and the RSS did not, even once, approach them to say, "Muslims left us the day one drop of a Hindu martyr fell on earth in 1947, when we saw our land of birth mutilated.
In that year all the honourable Muslims LEFT for Pakistan, but those who stayed back cannot expect to be given even the post of a peon, leave aside the President!"
So far NONE has convinced us that the surviving Hindus wish to recall PARTITION or even erect a Memorial to the TWO MILLION massacred by Muslims of India in 1946 and 1947. How is it that Zakir Hussain, Mohammed Hidayatullah, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed and AJP Abdul Kalam did not feel ASHAMED & DISGUSTED while living in Bharat and occupying the office of PRESIDENT under ARABIC names?
CONVERSELY what has been the state of awareness, courage and patriotism of the majority community in Bharat (HINDUS)? We should all hang our heads in shame or wear glass bangles.
We HINDUS should now look back and see WHO RAPED "MOTHER" INDIA in the past centuries, and "deal" with them appropriately.