Date: 24/10/2015
Modi ji shceduled to visit UK, may be some of you gets chance to remind him abut followings:
1. Must investigate all corrupt politicians from all political parties. Any one found guilty of breaking laws of
the land, especially doing unconstitutional, must be indicted and punished by law.
2. Must investigate powerful non-politicians, ex: Priyanka & Robert Vadra and others for wrong doings. I for one
would like to know under which law he was given free pass on all the airports in India.
3. Appoint 21 members committee of true scholars to rewrite "constitution of Bharat" and must replace Indian
Penal Code (IPC) which was jammed in the throat of Hindus by the British occupiers.
If Modi delivers above written three very important demands which we the Indians truly care and voted him for, rest will automatically follow in next year and so on. He will not only gain my full support but the support of 80% Hindus who live in rural India.
October 24, 2015