Date: 28/10/2015
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 16:12:55 +0530
Real irony in Middle East:
IS is fighting Sunni Arab regimes.
IS is fighting Assad.
US-backed rebels are fighting Assad.
US is fighting IS.
IS is fighting Kurds.
Kurds are fighting Turkey.
Turkey is fighting IS.
Turkey is against Assad.
Turkey and Saudis are less concerned with IS but are more keen to remove Assad.
US wants to remove Assad.
Russia supports Assad.
US wants to neutralize and undermine Russia.
US and Russia both support Iraq.
Saudis want Iran out.
Russia and US want Iran in.
Everyone has a different motive in this region.
Who is whose enemy is difficult to say.
Looks more like tavern brawl in the old Wild West
Irony of ironies, next you may find that to punish Russia, US will start supporting IS just as they did in Afghanistan supporting Al Qaeda and Taliban. The circle of absurdities will be complete and the history will repeat itself.
Double irony: MUSLIMS BREED. THEN EXPECT THE CHRISTIANS TO FEED. (Hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants are forcing their entry into Europe.)