Date: 21/11/2015
Published on 16 Nov 2015
Donald Trump Would Consider Shutting Down Mosques- Donald Trump On Morning Joe (11-16-2015)
Donald Trump said that part of his strategy for dealing with ISIS would be closing down mosques in America? Well if you forgot, Trump said as much when he appeared on Morning Joe and suggested that he would put them under surveillance as well. Joe Scarborough brought up considerations from the French government over the weekend that authorities were considering whether to shut down mosques in wake of the terrorist attacks that devastated Paris. When asked if he would consider similar action as president, Trump said it was something he would “strongly consider.” “Some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred is coming from these areas,” Trump said. “It’s something that many people are considering and many people are going to do.”
When asked about the implications such actions would have on religious freedom, and whether it would breed more hatred between Muslims and other Americans, Trump disregarded such concerns because the hatred is “already there.” Scarborough also pointed out how only a small percentage of Muslims were responsible for extremist terrorism, but Trump continued to say that bring back mass intelligence programs was the only way to stop them.