Date: 26/11/2015
This is a superb news item (below) that merits widest publicity.
A thief imagines a policeman behind every tree. So a treacherous Mohammedan will always be at UNEASE even if he is living in the most TOLERANT country like India.
But having said that, it is vital not to get carried away by over tolerance that we call those who broke up Akhand Bharat, slaughtered our ancestors from Day 1 of their uninvited entry into Hindusthan and then marry naive, ignorant and secular Hindu girls to raise the children as Mohammedans who will be looking towards MECCA in the desert, instead of Ayodhya, Patna, Mathura or Sri Nankana Sahib!
While looking at a Muslim in Partitioned India one should always wonder his motive to remain in the Infidel land after taking out their ISLAMIC STATE called Pakistan.
The sight of a Muslim, including Aamir Khan, should be frightening for a Hindu whose parents or grandparents once lived in Karachi, Lahore, Dhaka or Sylhet! To all these MILLIONS, ex refugees, one thought is constantly on mind like one's shadow, "WILL DELHI, TOO, GO THE WAY OF LAHORE IF THE MUSLIMS GO ON MARRYING HINDU GIRLS TO PRODUCE MOHAMMEDANS, like Aamir Khan?"
And another thought must also cross one's mind, WHAT DID THE HINDU NATION DO TO RECOVER AAMIR KHAN'S HINDU WIVES FROM THE MUSLIM PREDATOR? Why are we betraying these girls as we betrayed Lahore and Dhaka? Why no one stands up to defend Hindu girls from Muslims?
Finally, let us ask Aamir Khan's TWO Hindu wives? Where will they feel safe? In liberal tolerant Bharat or in terrorist infested ISLAMIC State of Pakistan where the dignity of a female is less than that of an earthworm, where 100 % men are paedophiles, dreaming of virgins in paradise? Are his wives VOICELESS?