Date: 28/01/2016

From a US correspondent…

China Makes Major Moves To Ban Islam

If there’s one thing that can be said about the Chinese government, it’s this: They don’t care one whit about being politically correct.
And apparently, they’re willing to address something that the West will not:
the fact that Islam is inherently dangerous.
Isn't it ironic that an oppressive, communist country sees what free nations don't: that, ultimately, Islam always turns nasty?
It’s presence in a society always ends badly for everyone - except for its radical adherents.
This is what “tolerance” will get you.
Every where Islam has been welcomed by a free people, it has grown from a quiet snake in the grass into an uncontrollable dragon.
Islamist are patient; they believe Allah is on their side, and they will wait.
They bide their time, infiltrating a culture, until they have gained all of the strength they need to strike at the heart of the people who have accepted them into their midst.
There is a very simple reason for this; Islam is not just a religion, it is a political ideology and a cult of death, and no behaviour is tolerated outside of its murderous directives.

So what is China doing?
It’s declaring an all-out war to make sure Islam doesn’t take over, and never gains the strength to attack them.

Here are China’s directives:
– Female head-coverings banned.
– Men are discouraged from growing long beards.
– Islamic restaurants must sell cigarettes and drinks AND they must display them prominently.
-- Sell no Halal meat,
-- Display notice "Pork Available" even if not available..
Any business owner who does not follow this order…will lose their business registration.

China sees what’s happening to the West.
It sees what happened in France, throughout the European Union, in Boston, in California, and even in Texas.
So they have taken a stand. Islam will not be tolerated in China.
The country has decided to eradicate the plague before it can gain a foot-hold and turn into the dragon.

Unlike our inept USA government, with it’s Muslim sympathizers - the foremost being our President and his administration -
China understands the reality behind Islam.

Communism is a horrible form of government, but it also unshackles China from tolerating
the idiotic delusions of those who continue to preach that Islam is a “religion of Peace.”
It is no such thing. Britain/Canada/Australia should take heed.
