Date: 26/11/2016


Fidel Castro, the former Cuban dictator has died. World media are covering his death with big headlines and detailed accounts of his life and times.

There are the Cubans at home who are crying over the death of their beloved leader and there are the non-resident Cubans, especially in Miami, Florida, who are CELEBRATING his death.

It reminds us of our own arrogant uncrowned “Empress” of Hindusthan, Maimoona Begum whose death created similar scenes of mourning at home and celebrations abroad.

Because of the United States next door, the world has shown great interest in what was going on in Cuba while the internal political DECOMPOSITION in our own “Broken” Bharat made no headlines abroad.

Even champions of free enterprise and freedom of expression had little time for the intolerable suffocating dictatorship of Nehru Dynasty that was bringing slow death to the Hindu nation while elevating the “vote bank” MUSLIM minority. Under Nehru none dared to look at them through the prism of Partition!

The office of President (“Rashtrapati”) must be re-examined. He failed the country at all the significant crisis points. The despicable STOOGE “went along” with the draconian EMERGENCY when he ought to have dismissed the government, or resigned in protest!

Again the so-called “Rashtrapati” did not object when non descript inexperienced pilot Rajiv “Gandhi”, married to an Italian born SECURITY RISK called Sonia Maino Gandhi, was made the Prime Minister of the “largest democracy on earth”, and also when the stooge went along with the army assault on Harimandir Sahib in Amritsar to hurt the Sikhs worldwide most of whom had not even heard of Bhindranwale!

In the new Constitution the Charter of Duties of “Rashtrapati” must be re-defined. Furthermore, its First Article must point, somehow or the other, to the DIABOLICAL High Treason against our ancient Motherland (Akhand Bharat), committed by Nehru and Jinnah who colluded to break-up the sub continent!


Now we begin to understand as to why our mighty “Empress” Indira (Maimoona) who could defeat Pakistan and put 90,000 enemy soldiers in prison, did not liberate North Kashmir! How long will New Delhi International Airport bear the name of the political “Witch”?

In all those copious comments by so many scholars, politicians and historians, there is one line that has stuck in my mind-

“Frustrated Cubans who saw NO opportunity for advancement at home prospered abroad.”

On this 100% NRI’s will agree. Each and every NRI ought to examine his conscience to answer the question, “Why did I leave the sacred soil of my ancestors, and all my relatives and friends, to live and toil ABROAD when my Hindusthan is “Sone ki chidiya”?”

Other comments about Castro, too, remind us of our own “dirty” (corrupt) Dynasty who divided the families and communities at home, and “eliminated” all Opposition in order to stay in power for ever. Communism only brought POVERTY to the Cubans and Dynasty only brought FRUSTRATION to the Indians at home while in both cases the talent flew away.

The Cubans living abroad are celebrating the death of the tyrant but in our case so many NRI’s abroad shed tears when the news of death of Maimoona Begum came. What an irony that so few understood the maliciously planted & deeply entrenched anti Hindu systems and the ruthless dynasty that suppressed our democracy, silenced the majority, in order to stay in power for ever!

The BJP government ought to investigate as to why so many intelligent and educated Hindus were crying for the anti Hindu Musalmaani (Muslim convert) tyrant in Bharat. Such an enquiry is necessary to change the unquestioning slavish mind set of the Hindu MASSES if we wish Bharat to stay in “Hindu hands” at the next elections and thereafter!

Predictions for the future of post Castro Cuba are good. So were the predictions for Bharat when Shri Modi took over as Prime Minister.

Changes in Cuba will be rapid while our Bharat will take very many years still, to write up a new Constitution and abolish Article 370 that has become the insurmountable OBSTACLE towards the INTEGRATION of the State of J&K with the rest of the country.

Castro’s death at 90 is the turning point in the history of Cuba. We, too, are waiting for the historic moment when either the Prime Minister, or the President, says openly in public, “EITHER FRONTIER BACK TO KHYBER, OR ALL THE MUSLIMS OUT!”

One billion of us know very well that “frontier to Khyber” did not happen easily and promptly like its unconditional surrender in a split second to the enemy in 1947!

That will be the day when we join the Cubans, some mourning and some rejoicing, and put Hindusthan above NEHRU & JINN-AH.


26 November 2016