Date: 02/08/2017
Re: {UnitedHinduFront} Vision for United Bhaarat
In a message dated 7/31/2017 4:13:20 A.M. GMT Daylight Time, CCCCCCCCCCC writes:
Vision for United Bhaarat
Bhaaratiya people should resolve that Bhaarat, Bangladesh and Pakistan be Re-United in the best interest of the people of the Sub-continent. We have a clear example of this nature in the recent past in the form of Re-Unification of East and West Germany. Chances are of South and North Korea of Reunion. Maharshi Aurobindo had a golden dream, nay a vision of uniting Pakistan with Bhaarat. Even now we may see in Aurovidashram school in Pondicherry exhibiting the undivided map of Bhaarat.
How we can achieve this goal?
First step is by Propaganda. Next step reveals itself. Benefits of this Re-union are manifold. Who are the losers of this Re-union? Petty politicians, Rich uncharitable countries of the world and traitor people themselves.
Can we win this so-called Battle?
Yes, we will win this Battle since our will is as strong as Thunder bolt. It is only a question of time before we accomplish our resolve and goal.
This need is humanitarian, philosophical and the urge of the soul. Success is for sure when the urge springs from
the soul.
Where is the necessity of separate homeland for Muslims when more Muslims live in Bhaarat than Pakistan?
Pakistan was created to be the homeland of the Muslims of the Bhaaratn sub-continent. But not even one third of the Muslims of the Bhaarat sub-continent live in Pakistan.
After partition Bhaarat has lost many holy places in Pakistan, the most of them being the Sindhu river. Some secular people say that Bhaarat should forget the river Sindhu, otherwise Muslims of Pakistan will get angry with us and we would never have cordial and friendly relation with Pakistan.
To such people Veer Savarkar has given a befitting and an appropriate reply in one of his speeches. He has said, "No, Never. Even if the whole world hates us or we have to hate the whole world, we shall not break our relation with Sindhu. Forget the Sindhu? Hindus without Sindhu? It would be a word without meaning, a body without soul. Impossible, simply impossible. As long as there is one Hindu alive, he will not forget the Sindhu.
Oh river of rivers! Oh Sindhu, on whose banks our most ancient Vedic Rishis sang the first stanza of the Sam Veda, with whose holy water they made their ablutions and gave her the place of pride among Vedic deities to compose the most beautiful paeans of praise, we shall never forget you."
There are more Muslims in Bhaarat than in Pakistan. If such a large number of Muslims like to live in Bhaarat, then where is the necessity of separate homeland for Muslims?
As Bhaarat does not have Indus valley and Sindhu River, so Pakistan could not take away Delhi, Agra or Aligarh, the centers of Moughal tradition and Muslim culture in Bhaarat. Pakistan could not even take away the Lucknawi tehzeib, the high point of the highly evolved Muslim culture in Bhaarat or even Urdu, which is projected as the language of the Muslims of the Bhaaratiya sub-continent.
Everything of Muslim culture and religion is still Bhaaratiya and in Bhaarat. Seventy years after partition, the Muslims who fled Bhaarat are still Mohajirs (refugees). Biharees and Mukkurs (spiders) as the local Sindhi, Punjabi masses and even the elite calls them. So what is Pakistan and why Pakistan?
Quad-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah was born in Gujarat and ironically so was Mahatma Gandhi, the so called "Father of the Nation" as the secular Bhaaratiyas call him. So even the founder of Pakistan was not from what is now Pakistan. Even the former president of Pakistan, Zia-ul-Haq was born in present Bhaarat and did some of schooling in Simla and his college at the "Burra-Sahib St. Stephen College" in Delhi. The Bhaaratiyas have roots in Pakistan and Pakistanis have their roots in Bhaarat. The call for Pooran Swaraj or complete Independence was given in Lahore. The call for Pakistan was given at a Muslim League session also in Lahore in 1940. This fact indicates that Muslims and Bhaaratns have the similar fate for their lives.
Poet Mohammed Iqbal, who was third generation Kashmiri Pundit converted to Islam from Sapru subcaste of Hindus, was the one who wrote the famous song, Sare jahan se achcha Hindustan hamara (Our Bhaarat is better than whole world). This song is known by each and every child of Bhaarat and is undoubtedly the most popular patriotic song in Bhaarat. But same poet Mohammed Iqbal was the one who is regarded to have first proposed Pakistan.
It seems all the Muslims are of double mind. They want to have the Muslim homeland, but at the same time they want to retain and enjoy everything of Hindus. They want to have the fruits of Bhaaratiya democratic and secular system and at the same time want to cling to their Islamic system. They know that the tolerant and humanist nature of Hindus is no threat to them, therefore such a large number of Muslims live in Bhaarat as compared, very few Hindus live in Pakistan or Bangladesh and even in these countries Hindus are being constantly harassed by Muslims and have been eliminated to a very great extent.
Looking at how Hindus and Muslims of Asian sub-continent inter mingle, inter-mix together, both Muslims and Hindus should become citizens of one country. In Bhaarat already there is complete freedom about religion. Democratic roots are deep in Bhaarat as Hindus listen and even appreciate the diagonally opposite views.
The great sage and seer of Bhaarat Sri Arubindo Ghosh has already seen the possibility of Bhaarat and Pakistan coming together. At the time of independence of Bhaarat in 1947, he has said in his message: "The old communal division between Hindus and Muslims seems to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled forever or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if the division lasts, Bhaarat may be seriously weakened, even crippled, civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. Bhaarat's internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be, the partition must go. Let us hope that the end of division of Bhaarat and Pakistan may come about naturally by an increasing recognisation of the necessity not only of peace and concord but by the practice of common action and the creation of means for that purpose."
The forefathers of more than 99 percent Asian Muslims were Hindus who could not withstand the onslaught and ferocity of Muslim invaders and to save their lives got themselves converted to Islam religion. That is why even converted Muslims are still retaining some Hindu customs and traditions. Now there is no justification in staying in a religion where your forefathers were forced to convert by the choice of death or conversion. Now the times have changed and the present Hindu community is ready to accept you with open arms.
After the unification of Germany, there is great expectation of the unification of the divided countries like Bhaarat, Korea, and Vietnam. In the changing world order after the collapse of communism, unification of Bhaarat and Pakistan could take place within the next some years; many astrologers have already predicted such unification between Bhaarat and Pakistan.
According to Times of India report, RSS spokesman Madhav Govind Vaidya has said we believe the whole of Kashmir is an integral part of Bharat. If it is to be integrated, war is the last resort. But why war rule out? What is military for? We are for friendly relations with our neighbours. We are also for Akhand Bharat. The RSS military strategists clearly think this is an achieveable objective.
Bhaarat is one and will remain so
By M.V. Kamath
Source: Free Press Journal
May 2, 2002
In recent times some voices have been heard to say that Bhaarat's unity is fragile and may not stand up to the assaults made on it by communalists. These voices have been raised in the context of the events in Godhra and Ahmedabad and betray a shocking sense of unreality. Much of the mischief has been wrought by the so-called 'secular' media which has been publicising the negative aspects of the situation in Gujarat to an extent that instead of steadying the forces of unity there has been what seems a deliberate effort to divide the country along communal lines.
The first thing to remember is that communal rioting has been strictly confined to one state, Gujarat and more specifically to one urban area in the state, Ahmedabad. And if one were to look more closely even at Ahmedabad, the killings have been limited to a riot prone area in the city. There may have been sporadic assaults on people belonging to the minority in some other parts of the state but in no sense can they be called 'communal'. They have been more in the nature of individuals trying to settle old inter-personal disputes or just rowdies trying to cash in on a generalised situation. It is well to remember that the communal tension in a specific area in Gujarat has not spread elsewhere.
There is not a single instance of a Muslim being manhandled or killed in any other part of the country, not even in a riot-prone city like Mumbai. Not one. Things were much worse in 1984 when Sikhs everywhere in the country felt unsafe. It is also worth remembering that in the 1984 anti-Sikh riots, as many as 3,000 Sikhs were killed, not just in Delhi but also elsewhere. Bhaarat came through from that calamity more united than ever. There were four times more casualties in 1984 than in Gujarat in 2002. And Bhaarat will come through this phase, too, with its strength and unity intact. It is important that this is emphasised again and again. The greatest damage to the sense of national unity, one suspects, is being done by "left liberals" whose unceasing hatred of Hinduism calls for some analysis. In a hard-hitting article in The Hindu (23 April), one A.T. Thiruvengadam has raised some interesting questions. Thus, he wrote: "Most of the intellectuals in Bhaarat have been hard on the Hindus whenever there is a riot or some utterance against some minority groups.
Self-abnegation and denigration of institutions, ideology and personalities connected with what is called 'Hindutva' has become the habit of Bhaaratiya intellectuals in all walks of life - politics, media and in some specific groves of Academe. Why are they hard on the community and hold a brief for others and indulge in 'mea culpas?' They take cudgels on behalf of the minorities on the pretext of espousing the cause of secularism and anti-majoritarian politics. Are they justified in this baiting of their fellow-men and what is the reason for this attitude?"
To defend minorities when they are in dire need is a beautiful gesture and deserves commendation. But to defend them when they are in an obvious guilt mode is to do them a clear disfavour. That is secularism gone berserk. The English language media has done worse in the Gujarat contest. Instead of attempting to pour oil on troubled waters, the media has spread fear especially among the minorities and need to be called to order. A chronic hated of the BJP cannot be allowed to dig the chasm between Hindus and Muslims deeper.
There are historical reasons for the vague distrust between the two communities. But this much needs to be emphasised: It is not prevalent uniformly all over the country; it is not prevalent among all classes; and when riots do erupt - and they have been erupting often enough - they are specific to one area and based again on specific grievances. The task of the media is to identify them and suggest remedies.
That said, it is foolish to dismiss Hindu-Muslim differences as non-existent. They exist and need to be faced in all honesty and seriousness. How can that be done? This can be done at various levels: panchayat, taluq, district and state levels; rural and urban levels; intellectual and academic levels; party and organisational levels. The aim should be of seeking understanding and cooperation between the two communities and discussions should not be allowed to degenerate into mud-slinging, and name-calling.
Here the media plays a significant role. Is it too much to ask of the media to look at the positive side of Hindu-Muslim relations and identify where they converge to mutual satisfaction? Shouldn't that be the primary aim of a responsible press?
On the law and order front the following steps can be quickly taken. The Central government must identify such trouble spots as have in the past been known to erupt in communal violence and place units of armed police not far from them. These units should be placed under central control and should be authorised interfere at the first signs of trouble without waiting to be summoned. the threshold for interference must be clearly specified This will help eliminate the charge frequently made that local state governments have been lax in summoning the help of the Armed Forces. Such a step is legally permissible and should be taken immediately. It will give trouble-makers a clear warning that violence will not be tolerated. And it will give minorities the necessary feeling of security.
There have been frequent references in recent times to the role of madrassahs in propagating hatred towards the majority community. This calls for investigation. It is patently unfair to presume that all madrasahs indulge in fanning communal hatred.
But in the larger interest of fostering communal amity, a thorough investigation of these communal schools would be in order. In fact the government would do well to issue a White Paper on the subject. But that is not enough. Syed Shababuddin, a Muslim leader has been quoted as saying that government should establish regular schools to replace madrassahs, so that Muslim children are not deprived of the opportunity of getting a sound education. But that said, can one expect the Muslim intelligentsia to take a more active role in matters pertaining to their vast and divided community? Should the spokesman for the Muslim community always be Syed Shahabuddin or the Shabi Imam of Delhi? Or, for that matter, the Muslim Personal Law Board? Is there an internal agitation of any kind within the Muslim community for social reform as there is within the heterogenous Hindu community? Shouldn't this aspect of communal life be of concern to Muslim intellectuals? Why should Muslims always be associated with extremism and fundamentalism? Don't the more liberal among them have any voice at all? Why do they prefer to remain silent as happened during the famous Shah Banoo Case?
Then there is the charge against the police that no matter who is in power they become the personal army of the ruling party. This was noticed on several occasions, in Delhi in 1984 and in Ahmedabad in 2002. Admittedly the police have to obey orders from whosoever in in power. The police cannot act independently of the government; that would only usher in anarchy in the country. At the same time the police must be shielded from unnecessary interference from civil authority, so that they can be an effective force in times of crisis. How is this to be done? This tricky issue should be the concern all all major political parties. In a democracy there is no guarantee that any one political party will stay permanently in power whether at the centre or in the states. That makes it all the more necessary to see that the police act independently and swiftly in times of communal disturbance, in the interests of public law and order, but again without being a law to themselves.
Then there is the place of education, and the teaching of history at the high school level. In recent times there has been far too much controversy over the so-called 'saffronisation' of education. Teaching history, especially in Bhaarat, is a very tricky affair to start with. How does one handle, for example, the 'Islamic' period starting with the invasion of Mohammad of Ghazni in the year 1000 AD? For that matter how does one interpret British rule in Bhaarat? How much of forbearance should different communities have to show in the delineation of characters in history? And how is one to outline the contours of history that will not raise one or the other community's hassles?
These are matters that call for a great deal of sophistication on the part of academicians and teachers and do not admit of ready answers. In history one man's hero can be another man's villain and yet a common ground has to be found to project images in the right perspective.
And finally we come to the role of political parties in a democratic set up. No matter how sharply they may differ among themselves over many issues, one thing should be clearly understood: their interests should subserve the larger interests of the nation.
One would imagine that more than half a century is long enough for all to learn that a lot of give-and-take is called for if we have to remain a fighting and united country that can be a role model to others, especially our immediate neighbours. It is when this sense of responsibility pervades all political action that Bhaarat can emerge as a nation respected and honoured the world over. Surely it is not beyond our capacity to understand and appreciate these imperatives?
Unity of Hindus
We followers of the Vedic culture must be united of course. However we need SOMETHING that we can unite around.
"Hindu" which is a geographical description given by Muslims is hardly something we can unite around - and this can be seen practically by the mass "Hindu" disunity all over the world. Such disunity will always be there as long as there is IGNORANCE of our real identities. One is thinking I am "North Bhaaratiya", but you are a "South Bhaaratiya". Another is thinking he is a "Gujerati", but you are a "Punjabi". Another is thinking he is "Brahmin", but you are a "sudra", and so on.
You cannot have the brotherhood of man without the fatherhood of God. And WHO is that Supreme personality of Godhead - Krishna.
Once this KNOWLEDGE is understood, then there will complete unity not just between "Hindus" but between all people. Srila Prabhupada demonstrated this by bringing together people of all races and religions.
The biggest division amongst us "Hindus" is not in any case due to the "personal and private aspect of Godhead" but due to division based on caste, jati and language.
Hence the IRM's stand-point is that given in the Vedic scriptures - which is that ALL of mankind are one, all are followers of the Vedic culture. You yourself will now that
"Christian", "Muslim", "Hindu" is a recent phenomenon. Originally all of mankind followed Sanatana Dharma. What we call "Hindus" today are simply those persons who are still to some extent following it. We intend to revive it all over Bhaarat and all over the world, so that the world will once again look to Hastinapura and Bharat-Varsa as the real centre of the world.
His goal: A Hindu Mission
Founder of Hindu Munnani, Rama Gopalan
Please read words of this great son of Bharat. We need such dedicated and visionary leaders in our nation, Bhaarat. My Sashatang Pranams to the great personality! I would rather worship a person that I can see who does great work for the humanity than worship God that I don't see!
Isn't this weired! It will take more than 1000 years for anything to happen from the Hindus and who knows it may never happen if you wait for the Hindus to do anything.
How on earth are the Hindus going to have Akhanda Bharatam unless they convert others to Hinduism? How many of us are trying to convert anyone to Hinduism? Unless and until we convert others to Hinduism, there is never going to be this mirage again!
Believe me. The world is divided according to religions and you don't even have a decent Hindu nation and you want to make an Akhanda Bharatam?
All your Swami Jees simply refuse to convert others to Hinduism. Look, it is so very easy to convert Africans to Hinduism just because our God is black. Shri Vishnu is black, Shiv Jee is black, Shri Ram is black, Shri Krishna is black! At this rate, whole of Africa should have been Hindus by now.
And Hindus are such idiots that they did not bother to convert them to Hinduism.
His goal: A Hindu Mission
To say he breathes Bhaarat is certainly no exaggeration. For him, Bhaarat is not a just piece of land on the Earth. She is Bharathamata. And he firmly believes that Akhanda Bharatham is possible one day, with the severed parts coming together again. .....
He is the septuagenarian founder of Hindu Munnani, Rama Gopalan. ............
See here the article:
Bhaarat was slave for 1000 + yrs as our own Hindus let enemy come and attack us.
China is getting aggressive as they know Hindus fools fight with each other.
Only when Bhaarat will define its enemy and All Bhaaratiya people unite otherwise death and destruction of Bhaarat is inevitable.
We sing, "Samast Loka Sukhino Bhavantu"
We say, "Nar seva, Narayan seva".
But just lip service. But never act.
No community service and no national pride.
We should have learned community work from Parses of Bhaarat and Tata.
From: CCCCCCCCCCCC; July 23, 2017
Mention "democracy" and everyone agrees that it is the best thing for the whole world including Bharat.
But democracy is only good when dealing with people of similar aspirations, similar world view, similar intentions and similar concept of morality.
In Bhaarat "democracy" proved USELESS when the wishes of the MAJORITY community were ignored & overruled and in fact, the majority was murdered in their MILLIONS and forced out of their homes by the MINORITY. Ignoring the brutality and savagery we describe it by the harmless friendly / brotherly word "partition"! We know who brainwashed us! (The three barristers,*** otherwise regarded "intellectual giants"!)
*** Gandhi, Jinnah & Nehru.
In view of the "fate" of democracy in Bharat one wonders what the considered view on democracy would be while applying specifically to Partitioned Bhaarat (Bharat) in the future, keeping in mind the pathetic plight of so-called "MAJORITY community" in West Bengal and South Kashmir right now!
We may also ask, "What happens to democracy when a certain "Kafir Killer" community, fed and instigated by separatist, sectarian, intolerable & divisive book of ideology called "KORAN" is believed to be "dictated by God"! Then the "pig is unmentionable, dog is dirty and the Kafir (HINDU) is to be subjugated, converted or KILLED! Implementing that Ideology, with the cooperation of Gandhi & Nehru produced Pakistan in 1947!
Taking full advantage of the unrestrained freedoms under the label of democracy such a vicious, dangerous and anti-national MINORITY (still resident & rapidly increasing in Partitioned Bhaarat) can deliberately produce (proportionately) a lot more children, through more than one wife, to overtake the majority, thus turning the "sleepy" carefree "stupid" confused, leaderless, helpless, divided and IGNORANT "majority" into MINORITY, as happened in Sindh, West Punjab, Kashmir and East Bengal earlier! And then it was "run for life" for the majority!
Is this not happening right now in Hindusthan, especially South Kashmir, West Bengal and Kerala, where the "majority community" are now feeling the heat, prelude to "run for life"?
Democracy can easily enable a separatist violent UNITED minority to take advantage of freedoms to upset demographic balance especially with the idea of establishing ISLAMIC republic over the dead body of democracy?
Conclusion: Democracy "western" style cannot be applied unreservedly and recklessly to Hindusthan! We need to be serious about "saving the endangered Hindus" in (what is left of) Bhaarat by some other means.
One that comes readily to mind is a new Constitution that may reflect on the "transfer of population" if Akhand Bharat must remain "partitioned", volatile & unstable!
CCCCCCC, 23 Jul 17
Pseudo-Secularism obstructs TO UNDO PARTITION OF BHAARAT
"There is no Muslim country in the world that pampers and protects Hindu, in their country, as we protect and pamper Muslims in HINDUSTAN....! Bhaaratn tax-payer spends over 1000 crores a year on Muslim Masjid maintenance, Muslim Mullah salaries, and Muslim Hajj subsidy, while no Hindu tax-payer gets any financial assistance from Bhaaratn government for Hindu pilgrimage ."--Trishool
There is no country on earth where leaders betray to their voters as Modi (a so called Hindu leader) has done to his 96% Hindu voters to give him the largest majority in the history of government of Bhaarat. What a shame that still most educated Bhaaratns, do worship him like a real Masiha?
Dr. Kumar Arun
Predictions are opinions of people but sometimes predictions come true but not at the time speculated or predicted.
पाकिस्तानी नागरिक अल्ताफ हुसैन की भविष्यवाणी पाकिस्तान में घबराहट सुरु हो गया हे !
Published on Jul 5, 2017
पाकिस्तानी नागरिक अल्ताफ हुसैन की भविष्यवाणी पाकिस्तान में घबराहट सुरु हो गया हे !
Courtesy : Zee News
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मंगल बम से पाकिस्तान खत्म-संतबेतरा अशोक की भविष्यवाणी
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Pakistan Will Be Merge in Bhaarat Very Soon And PM Modi Will Get All Credit- says Swami Sri Girishanand Saraswati. In an Interview With Editor Shekhar Tripathai, He said That PM Modi is King Like sant. He said that Swami Akhandanand Saraswati’s Guru Swami UDIYA baba Has Predicted In his lifetime, that One day Pakistan will