Date: 11/10/2017

Most people in India, like their government, deny PARTITION.

Some do know that India was forced to surrender ONE THIRD of her surface area to the INDIGENOUS (INDIAN) Muslims. Among the main cities surrendered to fundamentalist ISLAM were Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and Dhaka.

But what the Indians (mainly HINDUS) do not know is the unfortunate FACT that their leaders did not think of any conditions in return for that territory although most of them were barristers-at-law from London. They were supposed to be clever and patriots. But they proved to be "rotten apples" for the land of their own birth.

In fact the irony is that it was their ENEMY who dictated the CONDITIONS to the top Indian leaders. There were FIVE. So let us call them "PANCH SHEEL" OF MK GANDHI AND PANDIT JL NEHRU, the TOP leaders of India in 1947.

Here is the full text of the Panch Sheel Of The "Coward & The Traitor” WHO ACTED ON BEHALF OF INDIA:

“Wherever we are in majority that territory will belong to our Rasul Allah Mohammed of Mecca, in perpetuity. You will surrender all that land unconditionally.”
“Yes, Sir, we agree. Pray carry on,” said Gandhi and Nehru in unison, listening meekly.

“For those territories that you surrender we shall write up, and enforce, ISLAMIC Constitution that will be based on the teachings of KORAN.”
“Yes, Sir, we agree. Pray carry on,” said Gandhi and Nehru meekly, trembling while listening.

We reserve the right to carry out total ethnic cleansing of the Hindus and Sikhs by murdering, abducting, raping millions, and expelling tens of millions from their homes, degrading them in our ISLAMIC Pakistan by denying them EQUALITY with the Muslims. You will watch your fellow Hindus killed in Kashmir, East Bengal, Sindh, but do nothing while silently waiting for your own turn.
“Yes, Sir, we agree. Pray carry on,” said Gandhi and Nehru meekly, listening.

“Thou shalt not touch the whiskers of a Mohammed in Hindusthan. Your government will undertake to safeguard life and property of each and every Muslim citizen while we reserve the right to do ethnic cleansing of the Kafirs in accordance with the Will of Allah.
“Yes, Sir, we agree. Pray, hurry up. We need to start breathing.” said Gandhi and Nehru meekly, holding their breath.

Finally let it be clear upon you that any territory or land that is once under the foot of Mohammed (i.e., “Islamic”), will belong to MOHAMMED of MECCA in perpetuity. Any territory or land that is once ours will never be yours.”
“Yes, Sir, we agree. Thank you,” said Gandhi and Nehru, mighty relieved that “PANCHSHEEL OF THE BANDIT” had come to an end and they could breathe normally once again!

YES, MILLIONS of ordinary citizens of Bharat lost their lives as a direct result of “buying peace” from the Devil in 1947. It was like Chamberlain’s “Peace with Honour” with HITLER in 1938. “Mother India” acquired her most disgusting map outline. The new borders tore through the middle of grand provinces of Bengal and Punjab. North Kashmir was severed like the head from the body of Bharat!

It is up to us (the PEOPLE of India) to open our eyes and see the Truth.

It is up to us to demand a TRIAL of Jinnah, Nehru and Gandhi for HIGH TREASON.

It is up to us to carry out the "Transfer of Population" if those in charge (rulers and major political parties) do not lift a finger for "Akhand Bharat" (United India).

It is up to the PEOPLE of India to unite and then become a MIGHTY FORCE to reckon with,
shedding the traits of “jackals” but acquiring the guts of “lions” we all should step forward united in order to exterminate the anti national, pro Partition “vermin” from our midst and resolve to UNITE India again, may it take centuries or a millennium. This should be entered in the new proposed Constitution of Bharat.

Finally, we expect the world’s fourth largest army to resolve to defend UNITED, not TRUNCATED, India.

Midnight, 14/15 August 2017
