Date: 19/02/2018
When MOHAMMED Ali Jinnah asked for capturing one third of India (1940) it amounted to high treason against the land of his own birth. Had it been England, France or Germany he would have been tried and possibly hanged.
But in Hindusthan where the TARGET (Hindus) has already been "softened" by "hammering, beating, thrashing and beheadings" over a thousand years, the majority community was no better than the cattle.
Mr Jinnah understood it well. So he had NO fear of being called a "traitor" but anticipated the thrill of being adored and admired for his cheek and courage. THE HINDU NATION BECAME NUMB WITH TERROR. Those living in areas designated for surrender to the Muslims prepared to run away, as fast as they could, to safer areas in India and abroad where the murderous hand of Islam would not reach them.
There was one problem envisaged by the All India Muslim League of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, "If the Hindus forced out all the Muslims from Bharat, where would they live?" Proposed Pakistan did not have any empty homes for the tens of millions of Muslim MOHAJIREEN (Muslims escaping "Hindu" India)!
"Don't worry," Said MA Jinnah, "I have reached understanding with Mr Gandhi, "Father of Nation" and his "smart Aleck" protege Jawaharlal Nehru, to ensure the safety of the Muslims in Bharat after Partition! Mr Gandhi has assured me, literally, that any Muslim leaving Bharat will do so over his dead body."
In the event some 10 million Muslims decided to move to newly created ISLAMIC Pakistan and homes were made available to them by SLAUGHTERING millions of Hindus and Sikhs and by FORCING OUT the survivors who could escape by any means of transport that was available.