Date: 18/06/2018


Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, said, “We had refugees before and coped well with them. Now again hordes of refugees are coming to our land. How can we turn them away?”

Stunning Secular Logic that can get her a Nobel Peace Prize in no time. But wait a minute, Madam:

Were those previous large migrations into Germany MUSLIM?

Did they hate and insult those professing other religions in Germany?

Did they start seducing, groping and raping the local girls?

Did they start converting the host communities that gave them shelter?

Did they kill the shoppers at Christmas bazars, tourists on beaches, explode bombs on planes, trains and buses?

Did they force the local brides to embrace their Mohammedan religion but refused to embrace theirs?
Did they arrive in Germany after destroying their own countries of residence or were they themselves the persecuted vicims there?

Did the Jews try to force their religion on the Catholic Germans? Did the followers of Russian Orthodox Church force anyone to convert to their religion?

Were their families excessively larger than the rest of the population? Did any of them practice polygamy?

What do you think. Madam Merkel, Germany will look like in 100 or 200 years with widespread SHARIA law determining the lives of the locals?

19 June 2018.

PS. If you wish to learn from the fate of INDIA, that is now broken up into three fragments, thanks to her Islam, then please either ban Koran or the Musalmaan, so that Christians, Hindus and Jews could survive in Germany.

Please do not insult Truth, Facts and Logic. Do not betray your own prevalent religions that have given your country peace and prosperity.

But how can a Hindu refugee from Lahore keep his lips sealed seeing the seed of Partition being sown in the soft secular soil of Germany?

If your heart is really melting in sympathy & love, then please persuade one or two ISLAMIC REPUBLICS to accept them where they can “enjoy” Islam along with the other citizens.
