Date: 15/07/2018
Ambitions of Islam --Goals of Islam
Wage war till only Islam is left on earth.Quran.-----8;39
This is the most fundamental goal of Islam since its beginning in the 7th.century.
Ignorance about Islam's aggressive teachings and aggressive, brutal,ruthless, killings,rapes, assassinations,loot, plunder,kidnapping,conversion,Jazia taxes,polygamy,lies,betrayals, and inhuman practices led to failure and defeat on part of non Muslims throughout the history in the last 1400years of beginning of Islam from desert of Saudi Arabia and as result there are now 57 Muslim countries and is the fastest growingreligion.
Unlimited amount of money is available as promised in the 2nd. International Islamic Conference held in 1982- 83 ,in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia . Saddam Hussein then president of Iraq , proposed by saying that Allah had spoken twice to them, in first instance he gave Quran and in second instance he gave us liquid gold-- the petrol, so it was agreed to provide unlimited money unanimously to fund to Islamise the whole world as mentioned in the Quran.
The kaffirs [ non Muslims] must know about Islam because Islam has this aim to dominate at every level to convert this world into Islam by every possible way/ evil way.They are actively doing this so do not ignore if you have any pride in yourself your ancestors/ culture/religion/nation/ heritage freedom/ democracy .
Who rules a Muslim as an individual, Muslim community or a Muslim country. It is not the head of the family, president, prime minister ,the cabinet, an individual or the constitution but Koran/ Shari law in all the Muslim countries . where ever Muslims live as minority they repeatedly ask or try for Sharia law to be followed in non Muslim countries.
There are 85 Sharia courts in England.They are constantly demanding more in European union.
Muslims in non Muslim countries do not respect the law of the land and start demand for sharia law as soon as they have sufficient Muslim population. This is a myth that there are moderate / liberal/ secular Muslims ,this is just to fool the host country/friends they sometimes call themselves secular/moderate . This is just to fool others that what Muslim terrorists are doing is against Islam or they are misguided or radicalised and their interpretation of Koran is wrong but in fact these terrorists are doing what the koran says.The Ayats in Koran clearly say a lot against non Muslims and these Muslims follow that and this is the fact.
If you have any doubt then read Koran and see the facts . Koran motivates, incites, encourages, empowers .energises and commands them to do against non Muslims.This is very well organised declared/ undeclared/ proxy war at local, regional and international level by Muslims against all non Muslims as declared by Koran.
Non Muslims are absolutely ignorant about Islam because they never cared to know about it and even so called educated think that only a few extremist are doing this terrorism but this is not true under the slogan of Jihad / Islam in danger they are all for one and one for all.Slogans like 'Islam is in danger' Allahu Akbar -- Muslims join each other against non Muslims/infidels/kaffirs/pagans/idolators/christians/Hindus/ Jews/ Sikhs/Jains/ Buddhists .This is the war against all kafirs by all Muslims with all the possible assistance and help in all possible way.
A few words one must understand with their meaning.
Kufra=unbelieve. Kafir=unbeliever or infidel or idolator= who does not believe in Allah,God of Muslims only .You are non believer if you do not accept Allah as God .So God strictly speaking is not God for Muslims. The word God is not synonymous for Allah as far as a Muslims are concerned.
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah. ---Shahada [ Islamic declaration of faith.] There have been many prophets of Alllah but Mohammad is the last prophet of Allah.
In Koran the word Allah is used exclusively for God who revealed Koran. NO GOD BUT ALLAH.
All other God/s or god/ goddesses are false according to Koran [ and Muslims.]
It must not be mistaken for any other God.When Koran refers to God it refers specifically /exclusively 100%to Allah or Muslim God.
Darul Islam= means where there is Islamic majority and there is Islamic rule in that area or country like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan + 55 more Muslim countries.
Darul harb= Where Muslims are not in majority but may be Islamic rule as it was under Moghuls in Hindusthan/India.
In a Darul harb country the Muslims have undeclared war with non Muslims when they are in minority and as soon as they have say 2% to 5% Muslim population they start unending demand for sharia law/halal meat, hizab, bourka and many other things shamelessly and never grateful for the facilities they have from the host country.Muslims have no regard for the law or constitution of the host country and this is the reason for the demand for Sharia law and conflicts with the host population.
The conversion of Hindus started in 711 A.D. and since then it has been going on everyday by all the evil ways you name it by force, rape, forced feeding beef, forced marriages, kidnapping loot, plunder.burning houses, Muslim invasions, Muslim rule, and terror, kidnap, loot, plunder, set fire to non Muslims, jobs, false promises etcs.
What is the aim of Muslims?
It is a sacred duty of a Muslims to convert non Muslims to Islam by numerous ways since its beginning by force, terror, tricks, lies, betrayal, forced marriage, bribes, kidnapping, fear of death, rapes, gang rapes, black mailings,forced feeding of beef to vegetarians [Hindus Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists ],fighting, invasions, Zazia or extra tax ,false treaties,recitation of koranic verse under threats, killing children and family members before own family members, beheading people and showing pile of heads to people to create fear and terror so people convert to Islam and many other methods.
The use of petrodollars or money from oil rich Muslim countries is playing major part in converting poor people all over the world and they have limitless fund for this as agreed in Riyad, Saudi Arabia in 1982-83 during 2nd. Islamic conference on suggestion by Saddam Hussein of Iraq that Allah had spoken twice to us first he gave us Quran and secondly he gave us black liquid gold so let us use it to Islamise the whole world and they all agreed unopposed.
Islam means submission to the will of God the Muslim God called Allah. No God but Allah.Those who submit only to Allah are called Muslim.Those who do not accept Allah as God are Kaffir or non believer and are disliked by Muslims and are target for conversion into Islam and this is the root cause of all the problems between Muslims and Kaffirs. There are five conditions or principles for every Muslim to follow. [I] Faith in Allah and Mohammad as his last prophet on earth. [2] Praying five times by kneeling daily in the direction of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.[[ 3 ] Giving of alms. to support Masjids and poor from income. [ 4 ] Fasting throughout in the month of Ramadan, the 9th month of Muslim calendar from morning until evening.[5 ] Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca once in life dressed in white cloths.
Muslims call themselves believers means those who believe in Allah only and all others are called non believers/ kaffir/ infidel/ idolators by them .
Muslims are extremely intolerant/ violent /abusive and do not like non Muslims and this is the root cause of all the problems in the society all over wherever they go because according to them ideal society which accepts and follows Islamic theocracy.Whatever others believe is false and whatever Muslims believe is true.
This is a myth that there are moderate Muslims.Muslims rich or poor, educated or uneducated, a villager or from city, from Arab countries or Europe, from Asia or Africa, white or black or brown, in business or manual worker, Sunni or Shia or Ahmedia or of any stock they are all united against non Muslims under the slogan of Islam in danger, Allahu Akbar. This is the truth the non Muslims must see and decide their behaviour , voting in elections and dealings or accepting as refugees.
Islamaization of the whole world is their aim and this has been going on since 7th. century because there was not a single Muslim 1400 years ago. Now they are 1500 millions. Their aim is clear [ 100% ] and they are working on it but the tragedy is that the non- Muslims leaders in particular and people in general have never taken it seriously so Muslims are increasing in number more than ever before at present.This is the game of numbers and in democratic countries if you have numbers then you can win elections and once they have majority they will impose Islamic rule and that will be the end of pre Islamic culture,languages, way of living and the beginning of destruction of temples,schools churches, freedom of expression etcs.
Kill those who worship idols.--- Quran 9;5. Women are inferior, flog them if they speak.--Quran 4;34
Wage war till only Islam is left on earth.---Quran 8;39. Kill the Mushrik [ idolators] wherever you find them------shoot them if you can, stab them, throw stones at their heads, poison them over, burn their fields-----and if you are unable-----spit on their faces.
Spilling the blood of civilians and soldiers are both permitted----[for] the blood of unbeliever [ non Muslim] is like the blood of dog.----Quran.
The non Muslims must come out of confusion created by their leaders and Muslim leaders that in fact there is only one Islam and all Muslims follow the same one Prophet Mohammad and one book Quran.
Muslims who in public try to distance themselves from Jihadis, Wahabis, extremists and terrorist-barbarians are fooling non Muslims since 7th. century.The lie is not a lie if it promotes the cause of Islam for Muslims according to Quran.
In broad day light a young English soldier Lee Rigby was beheaded in Woolwich, England in presence of many passers by in May 2013 by two Jihadis .These killers are in jail for life.
The ISIS has beheaded two Japanese in 2014.
The list is two large to mention here.
This a shame on the part of Britain that there are now active 85 Sharia courts in England.
They have named Europe as Eurabia and within few years small countries in E.U. will see the Islamic state of Belgium/ Belgistan . Small countries in Europe will be under Islamic rule like Sweden, Norway, Belgium. At present Sweden has become heaven for Muslim rapists so Sweden is a lost case and others will follow. Then others will follow all due to increase in Muslim numbers.
Islam is an evil cult and it destroys everything it touches which can be seen in all Muslim nations that pre Islamic things are not seen in there.Muslims destroy all pre Islamic symbols and monuments.
This is the great game of numbers to win in democracy.This democracy will last until they have the power because Islam and democracy are incompatible. There is no democracy in Muslim countries.They will take the power by democracy but then over night change to Islamic rule/sharia law as they have done in 57 countries by destroying pre Islamic religions, heritage, traditions, languages, culture dress, food habits , music,dance, arts, fine arts, museums, schools, monuments , statues,destroying places of worship, universities, libraries and way of clothing and administration according to past records of Muslims in the countries they are in majority.
This is a declared war against all non Muslims by Quran since 7th, century . Muslims have followed this to the letter so have no confusion . They are ever prepared for this and they are working on this to Convert you,your family, your community, your country by every way possible or evil way.
The non Muslim leaders in particular and people in general are confused about the intentions of Muslims and as result Muslims are fooling them and winning in their aims and ambitions.
Read Quran in English published by Penguins and you will find all above quotations in there.
For a Muslim supreme is Allah but even Mohammad is above Allah.For a Muslim all the laws made by man are inferior to Quran/ Sharia and Hadith. A Muslim is NOT loyal to any country which is Darul-Harb or where Muslims are a minority and there is no Sharia law. He is loyal to a Darul- Islamic country where Muslims are in majority and Sharia law practiced and if he is citizen of that country.That is why they are in dispute for everything with locals and governments in nonIslamic country for never ending demands according to teachings of Quran. Where ever Muslims are the peace has gone away for ever because they cannot live together with fellow Muslims such as Sunnis and Shias and other Muslim sects, and this is clear from past and more so from present never ending problems, infighting, killing and problems created by Hamas, Al Quada, ISIS and countless other Muslims terrorist organisations being created to cause problems, chaos and conflicts all over the world.
Islamists practice Taqiya ---that is lying in the service of Islam which is justified.Islamists justify the means and complete disregard for the truth in order to dominate at local, regional and global level to establish Islam--Sharia laws.They are ruling in 57 Muslim countries and goal is to rule over the world and are working for it for the last 1400 years. Islam is at its fastest speed now a challenge to Kaffirs.
Quran states: 273 times that Muslims must kill Kaffir; 164 times states that Muslims must start Jehad/
holy war to control the world; it also states 109 times to behead non Muslims if they refuse to become Muslims and to terrorise for domination over Kaffirs.
Who is a Kaffir?
1.Any one who does not believe in Allah.Allah is exclusively a God for muslims only.Muslims always use the name of Allah. In their teachings 'There is no God but Allah.'Allahu Akbar, Insa Allah etc.
2.Anyone who does not believe in Quran.
3.Anyone who does not believe in prophate Mohammad.
A Kaffir must be converted to Islam if he or she refuses then kill them.
Allah is supreme in Islam and God for Muslims only.
Allah is not synonym with God or other God/s for Hindus/ Jews/ Buddhists/ Christians/Pagans or any other religion.
Islam has stood against all the religions of the world throughout its history since its origin in 7th. century.
[There is no God but Allah. Allah is the only God all other God/s are false according to teachings of Quran and this is the cause of all the conflicts, riots, violence, Jihad or holy wars between Muslims and non Muslims .This must go on until all Kaffirs are converted to Islam and this is undeclared- declared war since 7th. century by Quran which must be understood by all non Muslims.This is the most important reason that Islam has 57 Islamic countries. Now Middle east countries are using Petro Dollor to dominate in all the continents and targeting smaller nations .In these countries their aim is to get in and increase Muslim number by producing more children or converting locals slowly but surely by all evil ways.]The mass migration from Middle east and Africa is the latest trick to invade Europe and European leaders have failed to understand its devastating effects in very near future.
Do't be ignorant about aims and ambitions of Islam, ignorance is weakness and is the root cause all the problems for non Muslims . Non Muslims have been losing the fight without much resistance at local, regional, national and international level and as result there are 57 Muslim countries today . Many countries would be losing to Islam and these countries [ Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Australia,Scotland , India ] will soon become Islamic countries due to increase in Muslim population so open your eyes and see what is happening around you and look after your interests to defeat Islam/ Muslims .It is getting too late in many parts of the world.
Terrorists are not misinterpreting the Quran.It is clearly written in the Quran that non Muslims must be killed. Secularists who defend Islam have never studied the Quran. The Quran is the root cause of terrorism by Muslims. --------------Taslima Nasarin. Author, Exiled from Bangladesh
To conquer Europe we do not need to go to war but increase number of Muslims in these counties as immigrant and win the power and declare Islamic state.--------------Col. M. Gaddafi.
Can a muslim be a good human being?
Let us discuss with open mind and history of Islam and records of Muslims since birth of Islam in the 7th. century in Saudi Arabia.
[1]Theologically---------No because his\her loyalty is to Allah only and Allah means God of Muslims only as clearly written in Quran. This is taught to all Muslims since childhood.
[2]Religiously-------- No. Because no other religion is accepted by his|/her Allah except Islam.
[3]Scripturely------- No because Muslim is committed to Allah,five pillars of Islam,Mohammad and Quran.
[4] Geographically:-----No.Because his allegiance is to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to which he turns for Namaaz/prayers five times a day wherever he o| she may be.
[5] Socially---------No, Because his allegiance is to Islam which forbids him to make friends with non Muslims or kaffirs, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and others.
[6]Politically-----No. Because a Muslim must submit to Sharia,Quran Which teaches annihilation of NonMuslims.Through Mullahs annihilation of Israel and America the satins.
[Islam is incompatible with fundamentals of democracy as declared by European Court of Justice in 2003]
[7] Domestically------No. Because Muslims are instructed to have four women as wives and beat and scourge them when disobeyed. ---Quran 4:34
[8]Intellectually --- No. Muslims cannot accept the democratic values and constitution.They accept it when in minority but not when in majority .As a minority they always demand for Shari laws and courts in all the non- Muslim[ Darul Harb ] countries.
Because of inbreeding in Muslims they have low I Q so hardly any contribution in science, technology or medicine etcs.
[9]Spiritually-------No. Because Allah is never referred as loving in Qurran's 99 names of Allah.
The Muslims cannot be good human beings because they are taught to like only Muslims and hate all non Muslims, This is the reason that they are in conflicts with others all over the world.
Jihad is far bigger and deeply rooted in Muslims than we know or understand because of ignorance about teachings of Islam in Madrassas and Majids by Mullas as written in Quran.
Can they be human beings? NO---NO---NO.
You cannot get a sweet fruit from a seed of poisonous fruit.
Mohammad fought 86 battles in his short life,23 of which he led himself, he killed many innocent people in these battles , yet Islam says: if you have killed one innocent life you have killed them all..
Hypocrisy thy name is Islam.
The truth must be told.Violence is the weapon of Islam/Muslims.Islam is born through violence,raised by violence, thieves on violence, spread through violence and dies without violence. Sharing loot, bounty and women during and after wars is the greatest temptation to join in the war.
Jihad called holy war if you die for islam. You go to heaven where you will get Hoors-- the virgin girls/ boys to enjoy and best wine to drink.[ In Islam alcohol is banned. ]
Ghazi means Muslim who kills non Muslims. When he/she dies directly goes to heaven and can enjoy there as written in Quran and preached by Mullas.
The religion which requires prosecution to sustain,it is of devil's propagation.----------Hosea Bllon.
William Ewart Gladsone [ 1809-1898 ] , the prime minister of U.K. called Quran an accursed book and held it up during a session in House of Commons [ Parliament ] declaring-- so long as there is this book-- Quran there will be no peace in the world.
Doctrine of Islam as practiced by Muslims and supported by silent Muslims as mentioned in Quran.,
1.You can rape, marry and divorce pre pubescent girl.65:4
2. You can enslave for sex and work.4:3, 24 :4 :,33.50, 70,29,30.
3 You can beat woman,4:34.
4. you will need four witness to prove rape 24:4
5. Kill Jews and Christians if they do not convert or pay Jazya tax,9:29
6, Crucify and amputate non Muslims, 8;12;47:4
7. You will kill non Muslims to receive 72 vignls in heaven, 9:11
8. You will kill who leaves Islam2:217;4:89.
9.You will behead non Muslim, 47.4
10. You will kill and be killed for Allah.Verse of sword 9;5.
11.You will terrorise non Muslims.8:60.
12. You will steal form non Muslims. Chapter 8. booty and spoils of war..
13. Lie to strengthen Islam.354,9:3.188.106.
Taqya deception 2:25
In all Muslim countries non Muslim are decreasing in number because of conversion to Islam or they are expelled or terrorised so ran away to save themselves.
Know your neighbour well and safe guard your family, property, community, and country for security, peace , prosperity and progress.-------Chanakya.