Date: 12/06/2019
Congratulations to NEW India under Mr Narendra Modi for this courageous step.
Those who followed the voting pattern of India at UN during the reign of Nehru, Indira and Rajiv Gandhi, were disgusted to notice that each and every time India voted at UN to please and appease Yasser Arafat and his PLO.
Mr Arafat was a close friend of Pandit Nehru and came to India as a State guest on many occasions. In empathy with Mr Arafat the Indian rulers then used to shed copious tears over the partition of Palestine but NOT ONCE did Mr Arafat ever even mention India's own Partition!
Each time Mr Arafat was received in India as a VVIP and awarded a great "Peace Prize" accompanied with high CASH award- naturally at the cost of the unwilling and unhappy Indian tax payers. For decades India did not have any Israeli diplomat in New Delhi in order to appease global Islam.
We are happy to notice the change under Mr Modi. We hope India will take the next step soon, that is, move her Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. In this regard tiny Moldova is her role model. (news item below).
13 June 2019
PS: We notice another news item below,"German Jews Move to Israel to Escape Anti-Semitism." Please note that in the same way Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh are moving to India to escape ISLAMIC intolerance and persecution.
-----Original Message-----
From: United with Israel
To: cccc
Sent: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 23:25
Subject: India Votes with Israel at UN! Jewish Baseball Star Breaks Home Run Record; Moldova Moving Embassy to Jerusalem; Israel World Leader in Fertility Treatments!
Israel’s Newest ‘Iron Dome’ -
United with Israel Israel World Leader in Fertility Treatments; German Jews Move to Israel to Escape Anti-Semitism; Arab Arson, Up Close and Personal; Israeli Device Lets Paralyzed People Walk!
A UN First! India Votes with Israel Against Palestinian Pro-Terror Group
WATCH and THANK Moldova PM for Announcing Embassy Move to Jerusalem!
Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ for... Mosquitoes!
PA Shocked by Arab Nations’ Support for Trump Peace Plan
WATCH: German Jews Move to Israel to Escape Anti-Semitism