Date: 06/08/2019
WHAT IRONY! Those whose hands are drenched in Hindu blood (TWO MILLION HINDUS MASSACRED IN THE YEAR OF PAKISTAN'S BIRTH) are blaming the Hindus and Bharat of fundamentalism!
By abrogating Article 370 in Constitution not one Muslim will be killed nor his wife or daughter dragged out to be raped in public. Isn't that what the PAKISTANI RAIDERS did to the Hindu & Sikh females when they overran NORTH KASHMIR in October 1947? In fact, the Muslims of South Kashmir will have better chances of establishing businesses and getting jobs and qualifications after the barriers are removed
How can the world forgive the FOUNDING FATHERS of Pakistan who suddenly captured one third of civilized, tolerant and secular India in 1947 and then invaded Kashmir in order to put vast territories of secular India under the "way of life" of the Arabs in 7th century AD?
Pakistan ought to attend to her own internal problems of over population, mass unemployment, eradication of corruption, export of international terrorism, creation of jobs and regular supply of electricity, gas and clean water to every citizen. That's what the Kashmiri Muslims will get in Bharat after Article 370 is abolished.