Date: 16/09/2019

September 25, 2017
“Pakistan is using aid to blackmail the West,” Baloch Party President tells Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson
Shillman Fellow

As part of his fact-finding trip to Geneva to gather more information about the persecution of the Baloch people, I met with Brahumdagh Bugti, the grandson of Akbar Bugti, who was assassinated by the Pakistani military in 2006. Brahumdagh Bugti is now the president of the Baloch Republican Party.

His immediate family were murdered in his home country, and he talks to me about how Pakistan is using aid money to blackmail the West.

Brahumdagh Bugti is one of the most important Baloch leaders, and he has seen first hand how the Pakistani government takes aid money and then props up terrorists.

He claims that for as long as Western governments offer aid to Pakistan to fight terrorism, the Pakistani government will keep on creating terrorists.

He also explains how his people are the most pro-Western people in the Middle East!
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Marty Ashfield commented 1 year ago

CANADIAN MONGREL said, “So is shining a light on the violent subjugation of Balochistani muslims by Pakistani muslims islamophobia?”

Well according to our ‘learned’ – I almost chocked on that – and all knowing leader Justin Mohamed bin Trudeau it most definitely is Islamophobia. Everything and anything said and very soon ‘thought’ about the Muslims and the evil Islam is Islamophobia and should be punished to the full extant of the law according to the jerk that hates Canada and Canadians so much he does everything to kiss up to Islam and his Muslim friends.
When they start beheading Canadians in Canada I hope that the jerk Justin is first on the list, after all Muslims hate Homosexuals, don’t they?

Liz Rosie commented 1 year ago
“Mr. Bugti is absolutely correct in pointing finger at western countries like USA & Britain which has actually fueled the fire by providing billions of dollars in aid & moral support to pakistan on international stages (UN) knowingly that pakistan is spending all the money to sponsor terrorism in the region.”
Exactly Karan Singh.
Your last thought sends a chill down my back, as the west is in bed with them.

Maurice Potvin commented 1 year ago
Since 9/11 – IN THE NAME OF ISLAM (SATAN): 34,093 Attacks, 219,801 Killed, 300,875 Injured that we know of

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian Society”, Justin Trudeau, Debate Post, March 28, 2017

Karan Singh commented 1 year ago

pakistan, since it’s creation in 1947, has been a trouble maker and a sponsor of terrorism in the region.
pakistan has supported not only islamic terrorism but has provided training & material support to other terrorist groups like sikh & tamil terrorists in the region. The sikh terrorists based in Canada and England
(including the bombers of Air India flight 182 in which 330 people were killed) and tamil tiger terrorists were/are in contact with ISI (pakistan intelligence agency) operatives in their respective countries.

Mr. Bugti is absolutely correct in pointing finger at western countries like USA & Britain which has actually fueled the fire by providing billions of dollars in aid & moral support to pakistan on international stages (UN) knowingly that pakistan is spending all the money to sponsor terrorism in the region. Their can’t be a bigger example of this treachery than providing safe sanctuary to osama bin laden for 11 years. From where do you think these terrorist groups (taliban, al-qaida, lashker-e-taiba, etc.) get their arms, ammunition & communication sets??

During the 3 wars with India, and the 1948 incursion of Kashmir, USA & Britain backed pakistan to the extent of sending war ships in Bay of Bengal & Arabian Sea to intimidate India into submission. It was only due to the determination of Indian Army and the fact that USSR had encircled the US & Britain warships before entering the Indian waters that a full scale regional war was avoided.

saudi arabia, qatar & pakistan are the axis of evil. If we are serious about peace on earth this axis need to be destroyed.

Duke of Paducah commented 1 year ago
Switzerland has no natural resources to speak of. Balochistan has gas, oil and gold. So why is Switzerland an economic powerhouse while Balochistan is in the doldrums? You could add to the list. Kazahkstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan. So what is the difference? It certainly isn’t the presence of natural resources. So what is it?

Liz Rosie commented 1 year ago
Good question Canadian Mongrel.

It is however a good example of what happens when the west interferes, giving aid where they shouldn’t and having it end up funding terrorists. It is like when the west sends aid to Palestine, it is used to pay ‘soldiers’ and their families to kill Israelis. It looks like the west gets it wrong alot. It makes you wonder about their end game.
Do no harm. It seems we do more harm than good sometimes.

C. White commented 1 year ago
So is shining a light on the violent subjugation of Balochistani muslims by Pakistani muslims islamophobia?
