Ram Janmabhoomi movement was started by Sikhs

Date: 20/11/2019


Ram Janmabhoomi movement was started by Sikhs: Prof Sadhu Rangarajan
Historical evidence points out that Sri Guru Nanak visited the temple and offered worship.
by emobitech
 November 17, 2019
in National

Guru Nanak and Sadhu Rangarajan


While the Hindus all over the world are upbeat about the Ayodhya verdict, the credit for this should go to the Sikhs. Technically, it is the Sikhs who started the Ram Mandir movement. Coincidentally, the verdict was delivered during the 550th anniversary of the founder of Sikhism, Sri Guru Nanak.  Historical evidence points out that Sri Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, visited the temple and offered worship. Technically speaking the Ram Mandir movement was officially started by Sikhs. The first FIR in 1858 was registered against Sikhs for forcefully getting inside the Babri Structure and performing Ram-Naam Hawan, Prof Sadhu Rangarajan, Director of Sister Nivedita Academy, Bangalore, said.

Stating that the historic verdict on the issue is a landmark judgment, he said it has vindicated the stand of patriotic, national and spiritual leaders of modern India like Swami Chinmayananda and Jagadguru Sri Vishwesha Tirtha of Udipi Pejawar Math who wanted the Ram Mandir to be built in Ram Janmabhoomi. The Mandir of Ramlala at Ram Janmabhoomi existed since long before the conquest of Babur, it continued to exist even during the British period, and has been existing in the post-Independent India.

It is now the responsibility of the Hindu acharyas to play an active role in the reconstruction of the Ram Mandir. A Hindu is one who adores and worships this sacred land of Bharatavarsha as his punyabhoomi, karmabhoomi and mokshabhoomi and respects and regards all the eternal values of life that have sprung up in this holy land. It is immaterial whether he believes or not in a personal god and worships Him in this form or that. Hindu is synonym of Bharatiya or Indian. Recalling Sri Aurobindo who called Hindu religion as India’s religion and declared Sanatana Dharma as Indian Nationalism, he said  the border line between religion and nationalism is non-existent. India that is Bharat or Hindu Rashtra is a spiritual nation and the western concept of “secularism” has no place on this sacred soil.

Sadhu, who is also the founder of Nelson Mandela Center for International Studies, a wing of Sister Nivedita Academy, with branches in South Africa, said the attempt to rebuild the Rama temple at Ayodhya is just the beginning of the reassertion of Hindu Nationalism. In any case, the name of Rama is today integrating the whole nation. Rama is the symbol of Hindu or Indian Nationalism. In this country there are many people who, though Muslims and Christians by faith, consider themselves Hindus by nationality. They are proud of the Hindu heritage of their forefathers and they revere Rama as much as they revere Allah or Christ. To them, “Vande Mataram” is a Taraka Mantra which kindles the spirit of adoration and worship of their beloved Motherland in their heart. There are even foreigners who adore this land as the Land of their Salvation. It is only those who are not prepared to accept this emerging national spirit of Bharatavarsha who dub the patriotic Hindu forces as communalist and fanatics. Rama is not merely a God of worship to the Hindus. He is the symbol of Hindu integration which is the real national integration. He is also the personification of all that is good in humanity. If the Muslim Nation of Indonesia can adore Rama as a hero and celebrate Ramayana Festival in that country, he pointed out, considering the fact that their forefathers were all descendants of the Hindu race and they belonged to the glorious culture of Bharatavarsha, every citizen living in this sacred land, to whichever class, community or creed he may belong, could and should accept Rama as our National Hero. The demand for setting up of the Rama Mandir at Ram Janmabhoomi is not a communal issue, but it is a question of the honour and dignity of this nation.

When India got independence, freedom came along with a distressing partition of the country in the name of religion. Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo, a great patriot, freedom fighter- turned-recluse, addressed the nation on the occasion through the All India Radio from its station in Tiruchirapally in Tamil Nadu and declared: “But the old communal division into Hindu and Muslim seems to have hardened into the figure of a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that the Congress and the nation will not accept the settled fact as for ever settled or as anything more than a temporary expedient. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled; civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest. The partition of the country must go, -- it is to be hoped by slackening of tension, by a progressive understanding of the need of peace and concord, by the constant necessity of common and concerted action, even of an instrument of union for that purpose. In this way unity may come about under whatever form -- the exact form may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance. But by whatever means, the division must and will go. For without it the destiny of India might be seriously impaired and even frustrated. But that must not be…….. India, if she remains divided, will not herself be sure of her safety. It is therefore to the interest of all that union should take place. Only human imbecility and stupid selfishness could prevent it. Against that, it has been said, even the gods strive in vain; but it cannot stand for ever against the necessity of Nature and the Divine Will.”

Sadhu says, our next target should be to build the Akhanda Bharata as envisaged by leaders like Sri Aurobindo. Mahakavi Bharatiyar, the great Tamil poet gave the clarion call to the children of Bharat through his Paappaa paattu: “Chedamillata Hindusthanam, atai deivamenru kumbidadi paappaa”—“Adore and worship the Undivided HIndusthan as your god, Oh my child!” We are now on the march to attain that great goal.
