Date: 23/02/2020
Some Hindus, sons of soil and NATIVE to Bharat, having no clue to their RESPONSIBILITES towards their own nation, may join the mischievous MUSLIM protesters at Shaheen Bagh, Delhi, or ELSEWHERE, to demonstrate violently against the recent Citizenship Act passed by Government of India. They should be urged or advised to "hold their ire" in order to WELCOME the visitor from the USA instead.
That will be act of patriotism.
If some mischievous MUSLIM elements persist in ruining the atmosphere then there will be no harm in taking the TRUTH out of the deep dark hole, in which it has remained buried since 1947, and show it to the visiting dignitary, and the whole world.
The TRUTH about the ungrateful and thankless Muslims who were kept back after the horrendous PARTITION as an act of great mercy and forgiveness by the kind hearted "Infidels & Kafirs" when any other country on earth with some interest in its survival and self preservation, would have KICKED THEM ALL OUT lock, stock and Koran. Take America: The day after PEARL HARBOUR attack, hundreds of thousands of Japanese living and working in the USA were INTERNED and not released until FOUR YEARS LATER when Japan signed UNCONDITIONAL surrender. It is only Hindusthan (Bharat Mata) where one fake Mahatma declared Muslims our "brothers" on the very day they were murdering, burning, looting, abducting, raping the Hindus and forcing tens of millions of us from our ancestral homes into wilderness (like the Hindus in Kashmir in 1991).
If there is any disruption of the grand and BEFITTING welcome for President Trump, then the communal harmony between Hindus and Muslims may be shattered for ever in Partitioned India. Therefore all citizens should unite to give the BEST RECEPTION & WELCOME to the world's most powerful man, Donald Trump from the UNITED States of America. In today's dangerous world, any ally, especially the one like Mr Trump, is invaluable. Let all the world media be impressed at the generosity and hospitality of the only HINDU nation on earth.
23 Feb 2020