Date: 29/05/2020
A major cultural mistake in Hinduism in past 4000 years
Fri, 29 May 2020 16:37
The mistake made in Hindu religion over the past 4000 years. In China, every village and town has a temple for Confucius. You don't see similar temples for Sage Vyasa in India. WHY? Has any Hindu wondered about this?
Sage Vyasa is one of the greatest cultural icons along with Gautama Buddha and Mahavira. Hindu religion and culture failed to tap the full potential of it's major icon. This is one difference between India and China.
China today is united as one single force culturaly, politicaly, economically and militarialy. Are we so? By Holy Ganges, we don't even have an uniform civil code. This is one reason other countries laugh at us.
I request compatriots and Honourable Prime Minister Shri Modi to build temples for Sage Vyasa in every village in india. This is more important than Ram temple in Ayodhya. Every dalit village should have a Buddha temple. This will build cultural unity among Hindus.
Failing to have a temple for Sage Vyasa in every indian village is one of the biggest cultural failure in Hindu religion.
In 18th purana Srimad Bhagavadam, there is a sloka that indirectly states that idol and image worship is symbolic.
The islamic denigration of idol worship is a pretentious smokescreen to kill, rape and loot. If people can't even understand this, they are fools.
Reformers like Dhyananda Sarasvati and Vivekanada tried to clear much of the dead wood accumulated by Hinduism over past 4000 years. Have they succeeded? Every system requires periodic correction and renewal.
In the book of Raja Yoga, Yogacharya Sundaram gives the definition for devata, "The productive potential of a field is called devata". This means the devata is an abstract principle. In reality it has no form or image.
The name and image given to devatas is for our convenience. That freedom is given in Hindu religion. Imagine a very distant alien planet in another galaxy which has life and civilisation. If they have a religion similar to Hinduism, they would have given different names and images to the devatas.
Why are Hindu scholars and pundits still struggling to define Hindu religion and counter the false propaganda hurled at us by fradulent abrahamic religions?