Date: 30/07/2020
If the Hindu bride returns to the Faith of her parents SHE IS KILED.
Also the children of Non-Muslim females must be brought up as Muslims.
NO Mohammedan is a "gentleman" to embrace the religion of his Hindu bride.
Agreed. in previous times Hindu men could marry more than one wife. They were normally men in high places like Kings and Maharajas but not each and every man in street like the Muslims!
Another fact should be mentioned, even if the Hindus married more than one wife in previous centuries, the children were not brought up as "Muslim KILLERS" or "Hindu haters", whereas the numerous children of a Mohammedan will all grow up indoctrinated by Koran to HATE the Hindus, Jews, Christians and so on and do JEHAD to subvert the world order.
Children of Hindu fathers will be loyal to Hindusthan while the children of a Muslim, whether he marries one or ten females, will all be "Pakistani" ("schizophrenic") by upbringing. learning Arabic to make sense of the conflicting "verses" (described "SATANIC VERSES" by Salman Rushdie) in Koran, dreaming of a Caliphate, with Delhi as its capital, or dreaming of becoming another Osama bin Laden, Aurangzeb or Tipu Sultan to kill the Kafirs and add another repressive, primitive "Islamic" republic to the List!
Muslims can be considered "NORMAL" and decent humans with rational thinking when they tender an APOLOGY for the-
1. Unprovoked INVASIONS of Hindusthan, massacring, raping and converting millions;
2. Destruction of all major Temples in Bharat;
3. Partition of an ancient, world renowned civilisation, INDIA;
4. Unprovoked attack on NEW YORK in September 2001;
5. Destruction of the two ancient Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001;
6. Massacre of YAZIDI community in Syria in 2015;
7. Killing, raping and FORCING OUT the Hindus from Kashmir Valley; And
8. Turning their BACKS on the Mahatmas, Rishis, Avtars & the GURUS, who were all born in Hindusthan, but praying to an Arab, Mohammed, while looking towards Mecca!
(NB: Muslims, living in HINDUSTHAN, that stretches from KHYBER PASS to CHITAGONG, show extreme INFERIORITY COMPLEX, putting the FOREIGNER above the NATIVE! They have NO pride in the LAND (Hindusthan) that nourished them. They have NO pride even in themselves!
The late scholar of Islam, Anwar Shaikh, described them as the SLAVES of Arab Imperialism!)
Muslims are expected to be brave to feel SORRY, that is, APOLOGISE, for all the death and destruction they have inflicted on peaceful civilized countries like Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bharat and Bangladesh by CONVERTING the Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and Pagans who were living there in peace.
Would you be satisfied with anything LESS?