Date: 20/08/2020


If asked, “Name the SIKH Gurus,” one will promptly recite from Guru Nanak Devji to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. But there is something wrong. They are not only Sikh Gurus but universal Gurus, the Gurus of entire mankind.

Mohammed is clearly the Prophet of Islam and Jesus is the head of Christian religion.

Every Muslim knows the DIFFERENCE between a Jew or a Christian and a Muslim. Every Muslim is keen to bring the whole world at the feet of Mohammed of Mecca and recite “Kalma”. Recall “ISLAM OR DEATH?” proclaimed across Hindusthan, especially in Kashmir during the time of Guru Tegh Bahadurji!

Every Christian knows that he belongs to the “family of Christ”. Thousands of missionaries are working all over the world to CONVERT the people to Christianity. There are incentives and lures to persuade people to embrace Christianity.

What about the “SIKH” Gurus? And what about the Sikhs as a community?

Have WE been told that we are superior to the rest, or the “chosen” people, or guaranteed a place in heaven if we convert to a certain religion?

Have we been cautioned to avoid the company of a Jew or a Catholic? Have we sent missionaries to CONVERT people to Sikhi? Was “tableegh” a part of the ideological and political goals of the powerful Sikh Kingdom under Maharaja Ranjit Singh?

In this respect it is worth comparing a Sikh soldier in Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s army and a Mogul soldier in Aurangzeb’s army. Recall the forcible removal of “sawa lakh” (125,000) sacred threads (“Janyu”) forcibly torn away from the Hindus’ necks daily when the Kashmiri Pandits came to Sri Guru Tegh Bahadurji!

Also recall the role of the Sikh soldiers, to defend people's lives, daughters and FAITH- to reach out to the persecuted, the vulnerable and the weak!

Notice "langar" (free food) being served to ALL! Does it not proclaim the UNIVERSALITY of the Sikh Gurus, and the Sikh Faith?

Hence I propose that we refer to the Ten Gurus and Sri Guru Granth Sahib as “UNIVERSAL” Gurus and not as “Sikh” Gurus.

Could we please have the views of SGPC and the Sikh intelligentsia on this? There are implications that are bound to follow.


20 August 2020
