Antonia Maino Sonia’s Olympian folly

Date: 16/09/2020

Antonia Maino Sonia’s Olympian folly

Sandhya Jain

We must ask ourselves what is it about Sonia Gandhi - Whites - that strikes fear in the minds of Indians? Here is my original article in today's Pioneer - the edited portions are in Red. What is untruthful or unacceptable - I leave it to you to decide. The original is also uploaded on

As gushing media acolytes crowed that Congress president Sonia Gandhi and her entire family had secured the coveted invitation to the Beijing Olympics in defiance of diplomatic protocol wherein the President or Prime Minister represents the nation, it was overlooked that an aspiring regional superpower was publicly upstaged at the century’s greatest spectacle by a naturalized citizen! A friend commented that it should be no surprise that Ms. Gandhi failed to comprehend that her action humiliated her own government – she was UPA chairperson – she simply lacks the value system for such an understanding.

Mercifully, the karmic retribution has been almost instantaneous. As all governments, more especially the Chinese, stick to protocol at such major international events, Ms. Gandhi, her children, son-in-law, and grandchildren, could naturally not be accommodated in the same stands as other national leaders at the Games, and presumably could not make it to the same tables at official banquets either. Even selective television footage and media reportage could not cover up the fact that the only ‘famous personalities’ the Gandhis managed to meet in Beijing were the children of Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto!

One does not know when she returned to New Delhi, because it must necessarily have been a quiet homecoming. It does seem evident, however, that the UPA chairperson was not around to share and savour India’s greatest moment at the Olympics – when shooter Abhinav Bindra won the gold against all odds. Hence the boy wonder was made to call on her on his return, when he naturally visited President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Had Ms. Gandhi refrained from her almost compulsive obsession with front-page photo-ops in the Bindra case, she would not have underlined her Beijing fiasco. But she never went for India – she went in haste to build her own profile as an international leader (whatever that means), and returned prematurely, missing the golden moment!

If Ms. Antonia Maino Gandhi wanted to show the world that she had no compunction in upstaging the Indian President and Prime Minister, she succeeded admirably. But having thus humiliated the Symbols of the nation, she could not secure for herself the seats at the high table that were necessarily reserved for them and had to settle for second-fiddle status. Had she and her acolytes only stopped to recall the protocol issues that arose when the then unmarried Ms. Carla Bruni thought to visit India with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, she would have realized that even the well-connected can get away with just so much.

Ms. Antonia Maino Gandhi would have behaved differently if she had been a natural-born citizen (not an Italian-born naturalized one). This is therefore an appropriate occasion to revisit the issue of her foreign origin and soaring political ambitions. Moreover, in a recent interview, National Conference MP Omar Abdullah declared that the passport he holds is no one else’s business, thereby hinting that he might be holding more than one passport, which is illegal. India should further debate if children born of foreign parents should hold political office, especially given the stubborn silence of all concerned in the face of sustained queries on the issue of dual citizenship or double passports. Surely opposition to foreigners contesting elections in India cannot be confined to Nepali-born aspirants only!

This may also be the time to undo the laxity in the matter of allowing diplomats (or government servants) to marry foreign citizens. Hitherto this permission has been granted capriciously to those who could swing it and denied to others without assigning reasons (actually there can be no reason for giving permission; it must be routinely denied and officers with foreign wives denied top posts). Diplomats getting involved with foreigners should be helped find alternate employment as they could easily compromise national interest by falling into a trap laid by a foreign intelligence agency.. This ban should be extended to all those who aspire to or hold elected office, from Panchayat level upwards.

Simply put, Beijing did not need Ms. Gandhi to overcome any so-called embarrassment over Tibet, instigated by the same forces that ‘advised’ Mikheil Saakashvili to undertake his foolish adventure in South Ossetia. On that glittering stage – aptly labelled China’s coming out party – her presence was neither needed nor sought. She remained in the shadows, having demonstrated her ability as a woman willing and able to damage her own side. Strangely, the dominant voices in the Bhaaratiya Janata Party resolutely refuse to condemn this deadly one-upmanship.

The Sonia and her family committed the most unacceptable act in the year 2008. Fool Rahul signed a secret MoU with the Chinese Communist Party in the year 2008 knowing that China is India's number one enemy. It is a treacherous act against the nation. The Sonia and her family committed the most unacceptable act in the year 2008. Fake Gandhi family is controlling Evil forces.


The Catholicity of Antonia Maino Sonia? Read on........Interesting.....

From: Vasdev Sawhney
Sonia Gandhi has won a fourth term as Congress president. She is now its longest serving head. Let us try to understand her. She isn’t particularly educated, and never attended college. Her certificate in English, perhaps in a 10-week course, is from an institute that no longer exists.

अधिनायकवादी सोनिया परिवार संकट में_
by विनोद कुमार सर्वोदय

आज देश का सबसे पुराना राष्ट्रीय राजनैतिक दल कांग्रेस एक परिवार की भक्ति के दुष्परिणाम से आहत हो रहा हैं। लेकिन भूल सुधार करते हुए पिछ्ले दिनों कुछ प्रथम पंक्ति के कांग्रेस के नेताओं के साथ ही कुछ अन्य वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस जनों ने एक पत्र लिख कर कांग्रेस हाई कमान को सच्चाई का सामना

आज देश का सबसे पुराना राष्ट्रीय राजनैतिक दल कांग्रेस एक परिवार की भक्ति के दुष्परिणाम से आहत हो रहा हैं। लेकिन भूल सुधार करते हुए पिछ्ले दिनों कुछ प्रथम पंक्ति के कांग्रेस के नेताओं के साथ ही कुछ अन्य वरिष्ठ कांग्रेस जनों ने एक पत्र लिख कर कांग्रेस हाई कमान को सच्चाई का सामना करने के लिये झकझोर दिया है। लगभग सभी समाचार पत्रों में वरिष्ठ पत्रकारों के बडे-बडे लेख आने से अधिनायकवादी सोनिया परिवार संकट में आ गया हैं। इस वर्ण संकर परिवार का वर्षो पुराना अहंकार सम्भवत: अब टूटने जा रहा हैं।

Please read full article at above website


Singing praises of Antonia Maino Sonia and her family.

hilda raja

What the media is doing- so not surprising. Making it look that we do not deserve anyone better, an incisive assessment will show how cunnigly she secured her Presidentship - how craftly. She silenced her detractors - how deftly she undermined the democractic institutions and democratic values right from the appointment of a President-handpicking Manmohan Singh - who was a defeated at the elections, encouraging a coterie around her- etc. etc. She has no love for this country but loves what it offers her-she is simply power crazy. What will Italy offer her? Nothing? From a lower middle- class family today she and her Italian family have stashed enough wealth from where did she earn all that? Her hidden agenda is quietly unfolding-Manmohan Singh is the right person to keep the PM's chair warm - she defied hard work when it came to appointing her son in such a short time as the one of the Secretaries of the congress party. Mother President-son Secretary. All the doors of the power echelons open when Rahul Gandhi walks in-he can get the PM sanction any scheme. Is it bcause he did his homework well- He is attributed with charisma - again it is the family. Will other MPs be able to get what they ask for or really need? It has been a smooth walkway up the ladder. There goes democracy. Sonia has very well -established dynastic rule and thrown democracy into the dustbin. The tragedy is all this done by way of democracy! That’s the sheen-Her ulterior motive is clear...sorry for the catholicity of Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi-She is the antidote of catholicity. Hilda Raja WHERE ARE THE GUTS to ask Madam Antonia Maino Sonia to explain the source of her astronomical wealth both within and without Bhaarat? What "dowry" did she bring from ITALY and HOW has she become one of the TEN world's richest men? Who has "pumped in" millions of dollars and pounds into her foreign accounts? In which bank can the Govt of India inspectors find the $50 MILLION Bofors commissions?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Citizen ship of Italy By: Krishen Kak; She retained her European passport a few years into marriage. (she retained it many years into her marriage, and even now it is unclear whether she retains Italian citizenship). That she and her son reject office (not at all – she was NAC Chair for 10 years! the son doesn't need office as long as the mother's around). Sonia declined to become prime minister in 2004 and has shown no inclination to the position since. (nonsense - she was never offered the p. m. ship - you cannot decline something the Pres did not offer you. And it is common knowledge she's the de facto pm). Rahul is quite educated, getting his postgraduation degree at Trinity. (nonsense - he got admitted to St Stephen's through the sports quota; didn't last there, went to Harvard, didn't last there, went to Rollins College FL but they won't reveal his graduation details, and managed his M Phil courtesy A Sen without the MA first). -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Francois Gautier is a patriot par excellence and his heart is in HIndusthan. Hence he NOTICES, and writes, " ​​By François Gautier

I am a westerner and a born Christian. I was mainly brought up in catholic schools, my uncle, Father Guy Gautier, a gem of a man, was the parish head of the beautiful Saint Jean de Montmartre church in Paris ; my father, Jacques Gautier, a famous artist in France, and a truly good person if there ever was one, was a fervent catholic all his life, went to church nearly every day and lived by his Christian values. There are certain concepts in Christianity I am proud of : charity for others, the equality of system in many western countries, Christ’s message of love and compassion….

Yet, I am a little uneasy when I see how much Christianity is taking over India under the reign of Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi:

according to a 2001 census, there are about 2.34 million Christians in India; not even 2,5% of the nation, a negligible amount.

Yet there are today five Christian Chief ministers in Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh.

One should add that the majority of politicians in Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi’s closed circle are either Christians or Muslims. She seems to have no confidence in Hindus.

Ambika Soni, a Christian, is General Secretary of the Congress and a very powerful person, with close access to Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi.

Oscar Fernandes is Union Programme Implementation Minister.

Margaret Alwa is the eminence grise of Maharasthra.

Karnataka is virtually controlled by AK Anthony whose secretaries are all from the Southern Christian association.

Valson Thampu, a Hindu hater, is Chairman NCERT curriculum Review Committee,

John Dayal, another known Hindu baiter, has been named by Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi in the National Integration Council; and Kancha Ilaya, who hates Hindus, is being allowed by the Indian Government to lobby with the UN and US Congress so that caste discrimination in India is taken-up by these bodies. (One can also add to list

Ajit jogi, christian converts and Digvijay Singh Christian converts

Pranoy Roy, Christian converts ----- his niece Arundhati ‘suzanna’ roy)

I have nothing personnally against Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi, in fact she probably is a good person to win the alliegance of so many and certainly a loving mother.

I share with her a love for India, like her I have lived in this country for over 30 years and like her I have married an Indian. But nevertheless,

since she is at the top, Christian conversions in India seem to have gone in overdrive.

More than 4,000 foreign Christian missionaries are involved in conversion activities across different states.

In Tripura, there were no Christians at independence, there are 120.000 today, a 90% increase since 1991.

The figures are even more striking in Arunachal Pradesh, where there were only 1710 Christians in 1961, but 1,2 million today, as well as 780 churches! In Andhra Pradesh, churches are coming-up every day in far flung villages

and there was even an attempt to set-up one near Tirupati MANDIR . Many of the North-East separatist movements, such as the Mizo or the Bodos, are not only Christian dominated, but also sometimes function with the covert backing of the missionaries.

In Kerala, particularly in the poor coastal districts, you find “miracle boxes” put in local churches: the gullible villager writes out a paper mentionning his wish: a fising boat, a loan for a pukka house, fees for the son’s schooling… And lo, a few weeks later, the miracle happens ! And of course the whole family converts, making others in the village follow suit.

During the Tsunami, entire dalit villages in Tamil Nadu were converted to Christianity with the lure of money.

It is true that there have been a few backlashes against missionnaries and nuns, particularly the gruesome muder of Staines and his two sons. But

Belgium historian Konenraad Elst laments that « When over a thousand Hindus are killed and a quarter million Hindus ethnically cleansed in Kashmir, the world media doesn’t even notice, but watch the worldwide hue and cry when a few local riots take place and a few missionaries are killed by unidentified tribal miscreants.

Christian Naga terrorists have been killing non-Christians for decades on end, and this has never been an issue with the world media, except to bewail the “oppression” of the Nagas by “Hindu India” .

More than 20,000 people have lost their lives to insurgency in Assam and Manipur in the past two decades. As recently as last week, four paramilitary Assam Rifles soldiers were killed in an ambush yesterday by the outlawed United National Liberation Front (UNLF).

The other day I was at the Madras Medical center, the foremost heart hospital in Madras. Right when you enter the lobby, you find a chapel, inviting everybody to pray, there are pictures and quotations of Christ everywhere and a priest visits all the patients, without being invited at all. Educational institutes and orphanages run by Christian organisations have become big business in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and other states.

In Pondichery, where I am often, schools run by Adventists force their pupils, mostly Hindus, to say Christian prayers every day and attend mass. They are constantly fed anti Hindu slogans and biases under different forms, whether it is in history books, or discourses by priests during religious classes.

ALL OVER INDIA in the elite schools or colleges, such as Saint Stephen , Saint Xavier or Loyola college, where no direct proletization is attempted, Hindu pupils are subtly encouraged towards skepticism of their own religion, and admiration of whatever is Western.

One should also say that it’s a oneway traffic: remember the furore when MM Joshi wanted the Saraswati hymn to be sung at a Chief Ministers’ meet on education? And imagine the uproar in secular India if portions of the Bhagavad Gita, this Bible for all humanity, were read at the beginning of the day in public schools?

Sonia Gandhi said during the last National Integration Council meeting: “We are committed to ideological battle against communal forces which seek to destroy our diversity and polarise us. Certain parties promote polarisation and confrontation. And there are certain regimes in India which promote communalism.

But is not actually the Congress under Mrs Gandhi, which is promoting communalism, by insidiously installing Christians and Muslims (and Marxists) everywhere, propping up Christian states, allowing a free hand too missionnaries and pressing for reservations for Christian Dalits and Muslims, as recently done in AP, in a nation of 850 million Hindus ?

In my country, France, a Christian majority nation , it would be unthinkable to have Hindus – or even Indian born French for that matter – in so many positions of power. Impossible also to find a non-elected, non- French, non-Christian person being the absolute ruler of the country behind the scene as Sonia Gandhi is in India.

Indians like to say that the greatness of India is that it accepts a foreigner and a Christian like Antonia Maino Sonia Gandhi.

But is’nt it rather a weakness, and an aberration?

Can’t we find a worthy leader amongst one billion Indians ? This is an India where you see today Swami Avimukteshwarananda Saraswati of Dwarka Peeth, made to disembark from an Indian Airlines flight for carrying his holy dand, a thin bamboo stick which is a symbol of their spiritual designation, inside the aircraft cabin.

Are we heading then towards a Christian India under Sonia Gandhi’s helm?

It would be a tremendous loss not only to India, but also to the world.

For in India, you find the only living spirituality left on this planet.


Dr. Kalam Muslim President Dr.

Hamid Ansari Muslim Vice President Dr.

Others: Singh as a Sikh Prime Minister, Ahamad Patel

On Friday, July 8, 2016, Maj Gen Ashok Coomar


Antonia Maino is Gangotri of Corruption

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तानाशाही और सोनिया गांधी
by डॉ. वेदप्रताप वैदिक

डॉ. वेदप्रताप वैदिककांग्रेस अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी ने अब फिर देश को बासी कढ़ी परोस दी। मां ने बेटे को भी मात कर दिया। छत्तीसगढ़ विधानसभा के नए भवन के भूमिपूजन समारोह में बोलते हुए वे कह गईं कि देश में ‘गरीब-विरोधी’ और ‘देश-विरोधी’ शक्तियों का बोलबाला बढ़ गया है। ये शक्तियां देश में तानाशाही और

Aug31, 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chankya has said that any person who has married a foreign woman should not be given any kind of job in government office, but Sonia Gandhi who is a foreign lady by manipulation has become the ruler of the country.

एक विदेशी महिला भारत के टुकड़े कर रही है - RSN Singh Interview
•Apr 13, 2019

Chankya had said that any foreign person should not be installed at any high position. ------------ a king has two wives, one Bhaaratiya and the other foreigner. Foreigner wife has a son while Bhaaratiya wife did not has any child. When the question arose who should be heir to the throne? Then the decision was that throne should not go to any foreign person, neither to its children. Throne was given to Bhaaratiya born wife.

The division of Bhaarat was due to the incompetence of Gandhi and other congress leaders like, Nehru, and now SONIA and in future RAAHUL GAANDHI and PRIYANKA etc.-------


Congress is Gandhis, Gandhis are the Congress

.......and the way to punish the Corrupts, Criminals & Anti-Nationals in India. Government has been timid, tardy and tortuous towards Hindus who have been suffering from old & new Gandhis! 'In spirit, and more importantly in its DNA, this is the Congress Inc, or Incorporated, a family-run entity,' notes Saisuresh Sivaswamy.

Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/

Bharat must develop INTERNAL "shakti" like the Chinese who can intern one million Muslims and can make toi***s out of mosques. Bharat cannot even order an Enquiry into the territorial surrenders of 1947, nor declare Nehru a traitor, remove Gandhi's statues from all over, nor conclude the case against the BOFORS CHOR and nor even put Antonia Maino Sonia ji on the plane with one-way ticket to Italy! By what logic is the Hindu's plight so precarious in Pakistan while the Muslim so strong, stable & bold in Hindusthan?

Hindus are still sharing power with the Muslims and the "Italians". They will have to FIGHT for Independence, define the indigenous Muslims in the backdrop of Partition, and write up a new Constitution.

