Date: 14/12/2021
Though they are celebrated as patriots, in reality they were a curse for India. I asked a friend,
"Tell me briefly what comes to your mind when I name the following. This is his response:
Jawaharlal Nehru:
Without demanding Referendum and without considering conditions and implications, he readily bowed before Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the leader of Indian Muslims, and signed on the UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER of India.
Though professing Secularism he found nothing wrong in surrendering ONE THIRD OF THE INDIAN sub continent to FUNDAMENTALIST Islam thus, out of nowhere, producing the LARGEST Islamic Republic on earth- and that too, without firing a pistol shot! When and where has any conqueror or invader captured so much TERRITORY overnight with such speed and ease? Thanks to NEHRU a gigantic Islamic VICE was created to crush the Rest of India at a later day. The two arms of the vice were West Pakistan and East Pakistan- one to move to the east and the other to move to the West, ultimately achieving the UNION somewhere near VARANASI like the meeting of the American troops and the Russian troops across River ELBE in the middle of Germany in early 1945 AD.
While the aggressors and the defeated were clear, NEHRU in the Constitution of "India" later recorded the Hindus and the Muslims EQUAL before Law in every respect! The PATRIOTS (so few then!) expected the Muslims would be DENIED citizenship of India since they had attacked and destroyed the country!
Nehru took full advantage of the "demolished" State of the Hindu nation that was expected to emerge ater a THOUSAND years' slavery. As luck would have it, the top Hindu leader, MK GANDHI, too, behaved like "His Master's Dog" and simply "went along the ignominious BREAK UP of India before sealing his lips! From a magnificent sub continent, India became an ordinary country, drastically REDUCED in size.
Nehru's further act of High Treason was something that had never occurred in history, that is, an advancing army was stopped in its track. This happened when the Indian army, fighting bitterly, was pushing the Pakistani invaders back and close to victory. Prime Minister NEHRU suddenly felt most uncomfortable and could not bear to see the Indian army victorious. He ORDERED cease-fire and allowed the ENEMY to retain much of Western Kashmir where earlier all Non Muslims had been looted, raped and massacred. For these crimes there was a good case to try Nehru for High Treason and (possibly) hanged to death.
It is clear that NEHRU, too, was afraid of being EXPOSED and then lynched by PEOPLE. So he put terror into his subjects by acting like a dictator. His propaganda machines worked full speed to project him as a great leader who fought for Independence and along with MK Gandhi achieved INDEPENDENE of India. He deleted the word "Partition" from his vocabulary, and NONE, not even the Parliament in New Delhi ("Lok Sabha"), ever looked back at AUGUST 1947 or mentioned Partition!
Fearing EXPOSURE he also groomed his own daughter for his chair. It was absolutely obligatory to have his own daughter succeed him as prime minister so by the time of her death, a CENTURY or so LATER, not one native will recall PARTITION. In this, too, he succeeded. The nation not only appointed his daughter but his GRANDSON, too, as Prime Minister of Partitioned India. Thus PARTITION was totally forgotten by the Indians by 2014 when someone, NOT RELATIVE OR OFFSPRING OF NEHRU, Mr Narendra Modi became the prime minister. His Party, BJP replaced Nehru's All-India Congress Party.
However the world is still waiting for the moment in history when the "curtain over Partition" is lifted at last!
-site owner.
15 December 2021.
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