Date: 21/12/2021
Dear patriot
You are quite right what you say, and what you say is not an isolated case but 99 per cent of Hindus do say so, that in United India (in the borders of 1947) the Muslims would have wiped out, or enslaved, all the Hindus." QUITE RIGHT, TOO.
That scenario will hold good if the the Muslims remain "wolves" and the Hindu remain "sheep". Is it fair to assume that the Hindus will remain Gandhian "sheep" in perpetuity?
That scenario is inevitable if the Hindus are all determined to remain "slugs and worms" AS WAS THE CASE IN 712, 1192, 1947 and, sadly, is in 2021. In every field, from medicine and travel to warfare, mankind has made tremendous progress. But why NO change has occurred in our slavish, defeatist, despairing MENTALITY since 712 AD?
The question is, "Seeing the FIXED pattern of Hindus being pathetically helpless due to divisions and ignorance while the Muslims remain committed to more LAND GRAB and KAFIR-KILLING, who is stopping the Hindus from transforming themselves from being "earthworms and slugs" to becoming brave and united and thus PREVAIL UPON the aggressors (Muslims) so that either the Muslims disappear from Bharat or get pushed out of the entire sub continent? One may say, "IMPOSSIBLE!" But nothing is impossible. In 1900 it was beyond belief that man could walk on the moon. In 1969 it became reality.
Therefore, how TRAGIC, UNFORTUNATE & SAD that most Hindus still think that Partition is done deal and cannot be challenged! All what the nation needs to do is to SMASH the false gods and bogus heroes. In the case of Germany the false god was Hitler, in the case of Italy the false god was Mussolini, and in the case of Romania the false god was Caucescu. Which of these countries is still sticking to their false god? NONE.
Now look at Bharat (Hindusthan): Most Hindus still live and sleep with "FALSE gods"! Look at the number of Gandhi statues across the country. Look at the university named after "NEHRU"! What chance then, of the Hindu nation pulling itself OUT of the "quagmire of depression" and the terror of menacing Islam?
Please look at Europe with its manly Christians and see how there is NO "Christian-Muslim" problem as we have "Hindu-Muslim" clashes all the time in Bharat! In which NON Muslim country on earth have the Muslims driven out the Christians as the Muslims in Kashmir?
To drive out the aggressors from the SUB CONTINENT, we have a precedence. At one time Spain, Malta, Bulgaria, Romania and even Greece were under ISLAMIC rule. But the Christians UNITED AND RETALIATED and CHASED OUT the Turks and the Arabs, and became INDEPENDENT.
All governments of Bharat since 1947 have been "CRIPPLES" with regard to IMPARTING AWARENESS, UNITY AND "SHAKTI" to the defeated and DEMORALISED Hindus. None has even mentioned "PARTITION" leave aside invite IDEAS to drive the "DEVILS" out of East Bengal and West Punjab. STATUS QUO is Bharat's death warrant!
No leader since 1947 has declared, "India cannot be divided and if it is broken up into fragments, then we are determined to UNITE it under SECULAR Constitution, that is, neither Hindu NOR Islamic Constitution. Surely most Muslims will see the point that UNITY WILL BRING PEACE AND PROS[ERITY, and division is the way to the life style in Pakistan and AFGHANISTAN and the nuclear wars and destruction of everyone and everything where once we had an ancient civilized country that stretched from Khyber to Chittagong!"
What is there that is difficult to understand? Wouldn't one do ANYTHING for survival? We perished in Lahore and then North Kashmir followed. So let us RECOVER LAHORE BEFORE DELHI GOES!
What is required is the silent RESOLVE in the minds of ONE BILLION to see India united again. The rest will follow. AND THE WORLD WILL SEE IT HAPPEN!
22 Dec 2021