Date: 04/01/2022
1.Firstly Pakistan must vacate and withdraw its troops from Pakistan controlled Kashmir and then ask for plebiscite.
2. Pakistan must take responsibility for initiating and causing genocide of Hindus in Bengal and Punjab, NWFP and other places following Direct Action Call by Jinnah in 1946 and 1947 and must pay India one trillion dollars as compensation for loss of lives of all those including Hindus in rioting.
3. Compensation of expelling Hindus and others from Pakistan.
4. Indemnity equalling 100 billion dollars for waging war in 1965 and 1971.
5. The genocide and destroying life and property in Bangladesh must be accepted.
6. Illegal intruders from Pakistan entering and who have entered India must be recalled at once.
7. Hundreds of terrorist attacks waged against Indians and Indian cities, it's establishments must be accepted and criminals involved in such attacks be extradited to India. Pakistan ISI sponsored terror attacks have killed thousands of Indians and have destroyed property and assets to the tune of another trillion dollars.
Pakistan must first stop it's terror devices let loose against India first and compensate India by giving three trillion dollars which if not paid be compensated by surrendering Indian territory of Northern Areas and Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
8. Pakistan must pay to India 50 billion dollars additionally to use water of Indian rivers flowing into Pakistan territory.
9. Pakistan must stop drug and opium smuggling from across the border.
10. Pakistan must be punished by world community and UNO for exterminating, killing and totally expelling innocent Hindu men,women and children in Kashmir from 1989 onwards.
- Patriot. 4 March 2022