Date: 05/04/2022
We are shocked to learn of the most heinous war crimes being committed by the lawless Russian army in Ukraine, evidently with full knowledge of President Putin.
It is EIGHTY years since the indiscriminate “dirty” bombing of Germany by the Allied air forces. Major German cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg were flattened and residents, including the young and the old, were killed, maimed or burnt to death. The advancing Russian soldiers committed savage atrocities, including rape of women and girls on a large scale, inviting condemnation from all mankind.
Rape was also used by our own MUSLIM fellow citizens while doing ethnic cleansing in East Bengal and West Punjab during 1946 and 1947. Details are horrendous and unprintable. Thousands of innocent girls in terror, shock & fright were gang raped with the dead bodies of their parents and brothers lying around who had been killed in front of them!
We should never forget those innocent victims. They were our kith and kin. Yet there is no commemoration or memorial anywhere in Bharat of those betrayed women and girls. There were instances when women and girls, being pursued by Muslim gangs, jumped into deep wells to their death, and of the fathers killing their own daughters to save their honour. We, as a nation. should never forget those dark days when Pakistan was born!
Now to current situation: To target the innocent civilians, including children and the very old, and raping women and girls as young as 10 years old in the year 2022, must be felt as most disturbing and disgusting crime by an average citizen in the entire world.
We call upon President Puton, “Sir, in the Bible that you read, it says, “Do unto others as you wish the others to do to you!”
You have two daughters of your own. Please imagine if the wheels of destiny change and the enemy soldiers enter Moscow. Also imagine that they shoot you dead and rape, and gang rape, your shocked and terrified daughters!” We leave it at that!
Mr Putin, we leave it at that, and EXPECT you to order your troops to stop killing the civilians indiscriminately and molesting and raping the Ukrainian girls and women forthwith and punish those who commit the crime of rape.
The free world should immediately boycott Russian products till the last Russian soldier leaves the soil of sovereign Ukraine.
5 April 2022