Date: 12/04/2022


Dear patriots,

India lost prime land due to having "Muslim majority" in those wretched areas that became Pakistan. So let us consider the following-

How did Muslim majority come about in our Hindusthan?, and
How can Muslim majority be "evaporated" so that not only Hindu is safe in Partitioned India (e.g., Kerala, Bengal and Kashmir) but also we could fulfill our prime dream of seeing "Akhand Bharat" recreated!

Islam, an unwelcome import from Arabia, brought in by bloodthirsty "Kafir killer" INVADERS, increased in numbers in our non violent Hindusthan, boasting of ancient civilization, due to the INVADERS using barbarian methods to convert the natives by force. Who has not heard of the threat, "Islam or death!"?

Our terrified enslaved ancestors had the choice to either accept martyrdom or to embrace Islam, the foreign import. Obviously, most natives agreed to do anything, simply to save their lives. In order to realize the agony & anguish of choice faced by our ancestors, one has to do two things-

1. "Relate" to those Hindus who had to convert upon pain of death;
2. Imagine, if one can, that you are the one in that situation! Now hear the brute's ear shattering threatening voice and see his sword raised above your head!

I think most Hindus will come to realize that "if the invaders used the SWORD to convert, then what is stopping us now from using our pen or tongue to speak to the offspring of those who converted our ancestors then?"

Hence let us use the civilized method to deal with the offspring of those wretched Hindus who established their separate intolerant ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan in 1947. That Partition, the work of Shaitaan, settled nothing but created a threatening situation in South Asia for ever! There have been three wars so far and the final one (nuclear) is yet to come!

We should use logic and common sense, and be firm and bold about correcting the demographic imbalance for the sake of our safety and even survival.

What can we write or say in favour of vigorously pursuing the "Ghar Wapsi" in order to see results on ground?

Of course, a few main issues like treating women as equals, one wife- not two, three or four, no savage punishments like amputation of limbs, or stoning to death, praying in mosques as families, not "men only", change over from the idea of killing the kafirs to love all mankind, and above all, replacing Islamic constitutions by civilized secular ones wherein all citizens, including women, are equal.

We can also say, "Mohammed was for the ARABS, whereas all the religions that originated on the sacred soil of Hindusthan are for the entire MANKIND. So please derive your own conclusion whether Islam is preferable to any of the religions that originated in Hindusthan!

Finally, we should remind the Pakistanis of the PRE PARTITION era, how Hindus were happy living in Multan and Rawalpindi and how the Muslims were at home in Delhi and Mumbai and how Kashmir was a "paradise" for the tourists, but no more! Hindus were forced into slavery and made to do what free people never do, such as agreeing to Partition of one's motherland.

Now with the Moguls gone, the Europeans gone, and even the corrupt and treacherous (Nehru) DYNASTY gone, the Hindu is sovereign at last, and fast recovering his pride, dignity and guts. He will settle the score with those who oppressed him and forced him out of his home, and broke up his Hindusthan in 1947. Today's re-born Hindu says,

"O Shaitaan, Be-imaan, I shall NOT avenge the murder of my parents, the rape of my sisters and daughters, the loss of my land and house, but I shall NEVER rest until I have avenged the "mutilation (murder) of Akhand Bharat", my motherland (Bharat Mata)!"

Oppression and persecution suffered by the Hindus over CENTURIES as slaves will REBOUND now. So let us reply to their sword by our pen and word in our Hindusthan..Make "Ghar Wapsi" top priority, and continue till there are as many Mohammedans left in Bharat as there were in the year 710 AD when our attrition, afflictions and degradation began - that turned us into "living dead"!**

** Those who are resigned to PARTITION are "living dead"!
